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Chapter 15

Jungkook leaned against the dimly lit club wall, the thumping bass echoing in the background. Mingyu raised an eyebrow, glancing at Jungkook with curiosity.

"Why aren't you heading back home? It's your first day and you should have spent time with your family." Mingyu asked, his voice barely audible over the music.

Jungkook chuckled. "Spent time with my family?"

"Yeah, but you liked staying home," Mingyu said. Jungkook didn't like staying home, he liked staying close to Risa. And now staying too close to her is having a different effect on him.

Jungkook shrugged, his gaze fixed on something across the room. "Just don't feel like it."

As Jungkook scanned the crowd, his attention was captivated by a girl with striking red hair and hazel brown eyes. 

She stood alone, smoking at the corner with an air of mystery. His thoughts drifted to what she might look like in red clothes.

He doesn't like what she was wearing, he wanted to change her clothing, and make her hair style too. Also her makeup she was wearing light makeup. But he wanted to see her in bold makeup.

He wants to play with her. 

Unable to resist, Jungkook approached her, the pulsating rhythm of the music fading into the background. 

"Hey, Cherry," he called, a sly grin playing on his lips.

The girl turned to face him, her hazel eyes meeting Jungkook's intense gaze. His reputation as the most handsome guy in the club wasn't unfounded.

"My name is not Cherry," the girl said. 

"Hmm, but I will call you that, or how about you tell me about your name and everything else? I'm curious, to know." Jungkook continued, his voice low and intriguing, "how about we go somewhere else?"

The girl, seemingly intrigued by Jungkook's charm, agreed with a nod. The two of them left the club, the door closing behind them as the night embraced their spontaneous connection.

He doesn't know what she has in her mind but Jungkook has some other plans.


Y/n was hitting the door really hard, she was holding the gun in one hand. She was in the literal mood of k!lling Jungkook after last night. 

He didn't reply so she opened the door and the room was empty. Jungkook was not there. "Miss Risa, what happened?" The maid asked her.

"Where is Jungkook?" She asked the maid. 

"He didn't come home last night, he was with his friends," The maid replied and Y/n narrowed her eyes. Now she was even more sure it was Jungkook. Because she thought now Jungkook was hiding.

"Risa, are you okay?" Namjoon came to her, he looked at him and he was looking for her.

"Jungkook hasn't changed, he is still the same." She told him. "I will fcking k!ll him!" 

"What did he did?" He asked. 

"He did it again to me last night," She said. 

"That jerk!" Namjoon mumbled as he stepped closer to her.

"He took me to one of the rooms downstairs and he, h-he," She couldn't complete as Namjoon asked her.

"Did you see his face?" He asked.

"It was all black, but of course, it was him. Only he can do something cheap like that. It has been years! And something like this has never happened." She exclaimed. 

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