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Chapter 2

Jungkook now at least lets Y/nu talk to other people. One day Y/n, she saw the gardener. He was an old man and he looked sick.

Y/n felt bad for him and asked if she could help. The gardener said he doesn't need any help and Y/n should go play. But Risa kept saying she wanted to help.

So the gardener let her water a few flowers. She was watering the flower, she felt good while helping the gardener.

"Y/n, Stop. It's not your job to do this. You will get tan. " Jungkook pushed the watering can away from Y/n.”

"Gugkie, I wanna help-"

"Sorry, she kept asking that." The gardener apologized to Jungkook.

"My father doesn't pay you for this! How dare you let Y/n work in this heat!?" Jungkook yelled. Y/n doesn't like that he is yelling at the gardener. He is older than them and they should respect him.

"He was not feeling well. He is old now."

"If he is old then I will tell dad to fire you. You are too old anyways." Jungkook exclaimed. The gardener fell on his knees.

"Please don't do this master. I have a family that I raise." He begged. This is too much, Jungkook was still a 9 year old child and a man of age 50-55 was kneeling in front of him. He knew Jungkook, because of him so many maids and workers lost their jobs.

"No, you are getting fired. And if her skin got a tiny mark because of you, I will ruin your life. " He turned to Y/n.

Y/n let's go inside, you worked so hard in heat, you might faint." Jungkook exclaimed, he held her hand. Risa pushed his hand away.

"You are a meanie. I don't like you! You are a spoiled brat." She said,

Here Jungkook is worried about her and she is saying this.

He was mad at the gardener, he was the reason why Jungkook doll is mad at him. He went to the kitchen and opened the kitchen drawer, he found the chili powder and went back to the garden.

When the old man was still working he looked at Jungkook to apologize again, but he took the chili powder and threw it on the gardener 's face.

"Jungkook, why on earth would you throw chili powder at the gardener?" Jungkook’s father asked.

"Dad, I was just pranking. I didn't think it would be this serious." Jungkook replied.

His father sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Pranks are supposed to be harmless, Jungkook. Now the gardener is in the hospital because of this. Do you understand the consequences of your actions?"

Jungkook lied he was so mad that he wanted the garden to d’e, "I didn't mean for it to go this far, Dad. I thought it would be funny, like the pranks we see on TV."

“I know you Jungkook.” His father asked through frustration. “Tell me honestly why?”

“You pay him to work, but he was making my doll to work in heat.” Jungkook exclaimed.

“Risa? You should have told me. I would have handled him.” His father said.

His father, though frustrated, softened a bit, "You need to be responsible for your actions. We'll talk about this more once the gardener is okay, and you need to apologize."

“I am not apologizing to him, Risa hasn't talked to because of him.” Jungkook said.

Y/n looked away and she was mad at Jungkook. Y/n crossed her arms.

Jungkook approached her  "Y/n, can we talk about this?"

Y/n remained silent, her gaze fixed on the distant wall. Jungkook sighed, "I know I messed up with the gardener. I want to make things right, but I need you to talk to me."

She finally turned to him, eyes reflecting disappointment, "I'll only listen if you apologize to the gardener. What you did was uncalled for, Jungkook."

Jungkook's ego wrestled with the idea, but his love for Y/n won over. Swallowing his pride, he nodded, "Alright, I'll apologize to the gardener. But can we please talk after that?"

Y/n nodded, her expression softening slightly. “You will?”

“Of course I will do anything for you.”


Y/n twirled clumsily in her ballet tutu, determined to perfect the dance that had captured Jungkook's interest.

Her seven-year-old frame moved with  uncertainty. As the music played, she stumbled over her own feet, trying to mimic the graceful moves she had seen in videos.

Jungkook, the 13-year-old neighbor, watched from a distance, a gentle smile playing on his lips. When Y/n returned,  disappointed etched on her face, he noticed her wincing.

"Hey, Y/n," Jungkook said, crouching down to her level. "Your feet look sore. Maybe you shouldn't push yourself so hard with ballet."

Y/n hesitated, glancing down at her worn-out ballet shoes. "But I want to be good at it. Jungkook likes it when I dance."

Jungkook gently took off her ballet shoes, revealing red marks and blisters on her small feet. He sighed, concern flickering in his eyes. "You don't have to do ballet just for me, Y/n. I'd still like you even if you didn't dance."

Y/n looked up at him, eyes wide with surprise. "Really?"

Jungkook nodded, a warm smile replacing the worry on his face. "Really. Your well-being is more important to me than any dance. Let's take care of those feet, okay?"

As Jungkook bandaged Y/n's feet. Y/n smiled.


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