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Chapter 22

Jungkook hesitated in the waiting room, watching Y/n enter the therapist's office.

He hadn't revealed his presence, and was silently following her. He has been following her everywhere lately. He doesn't want to get her off his sight.

She came out the room after her session and he quickly hide his face with the magazine, even if he does so Y/n notice his presence, and know it was him by his tattoos, but she then left without saying anything to him.

After her session, he approached the therapist, a sense of concern etched on his face.

"Jeon Jungkook, isn't it? Risa didn't mention you were coming." The therapist said.

"I... I just wanted to check on her. Is everything okay?" He replied

"I appreciate your concern. Risa has been dealing with schizophrenia. It's crucial to support her during this challenging time." The therapist said.

Jungkook's expression shifted, a mix of surprise and worry.

"She has vivid imaginations, creating scenarios that never occurred. It's part of her condition, and understanding is key." The therapist explained.

Jungkook, absorbing the revelation, nodded solemnly.

He caused it? He caused her to go through mental health issues? But he suffered more because of her. It was hard for him to absorb.

It was Y/n's birthday. She hates celebrating her birthday. Like literally hate. Birthdays are always the worst day of the year.

Y/n just want to escape everything. She was tired of everything. She started working and now she has her own office. She actually enjoys being the boss, like who doesn't?

She started handling the illegal property management, it was perfect. Since she is studying architecture in college. So she can handle the construction business effortlessly.

Her company looks like a normal one.

They hosted a huge party again. She hated such parties too. Where she has to pretend like she is perfect. And the only time Mrs. Jeon tries to act like a good mother.

She doesn't understand why they make birthdays such a big deal? She doesn't even know anyone here. And she has no friends.

"Hi, Doll." He exclaimed. Doll? He called her a doll after years. And that smile! What is going on in his head?

She has been ignoring and acting like he doesn't exist, and that hurts him. She is blaming him for something he never did and on the top she was giving him that look.

It's dangerous, she has no clue but how many girls he has m*rdered just because Y/n was not talking to him

"Happy birthday." Jungkook hugged her. He is acting weird.

"Yeah, Thank you." Y/n said and tried to free herself from him. He broke the hug.

"Your dress looks stunning." She can't digest that Jungkook is saying this to her. Is he mocking her in a way right?

"Does it look that awful?" She asked, looking at herself. She was expecting Jungkook to make fun of her. He caressed her hair. He was literally looking at her with heart eyes.

"What?" She asked, why is he looking at her like that?

"What?" He repeated her words. He smiled again. "Enjoy your birthday."

That was weird.

Jungkook had been busy for weeks. So he and Y/n hadn't been interacting much. He was upset because of Eunwoo.

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