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Chapter 1

"Y/n, why are you not eating dear?" Jungkook's father asked.

Y/N whispered something in Jungkook's ear.

"She said she doesn't like beef." Jungkook told them.

"Y/n, you can say it to us. Why don't you talk to us? " Jungkook's mother said. She just looked down.

"She can't speak properly, that is why she is shy to talk to you all." Jungkook lied to his parents. Y/n, can speak properly.

"Mom, Y/n doesn't want to eat this, so I will also not eat this. Tell maids to make something for us. We are going to play now." He held Y/n’s hand and left the dining table.

"Honey, don't you think we should bring Y/n to a speech therapist? She hasn't talked for months now. I am getting worried." Jungkook's mom said.

"You should bring your own child Jungkook to a therapist. He treats her like she is a toy not a human. And she is the one who doesn't let Y/n talk. I heard her talking to Jungkook but she never talks to us." Namjoon spoke.

"No, why would Jungkook do that? Y/n must have some speech problem. We will find the best doctor for her. She doesn't even talk to anyone in school." Jungkook's mother said. His mother doesn't want to think it's Jungkook's fault.

"Now that you have adopted her, you should treat her like you treat me and Jungkook. I think you should tell Jungkook how he is supposed to treat her, she is just a little girl." Even at the age of 14, Namjoon was really wise and mature. He noticed Jungkook's behavior and the possible outcomes.


Y/n was coloring in her drawing.

"Hi, Y/n.” She looked up and it was Jungkook's friend, Taehyung. He is the guy with the perfect boxy smile. He is an adorable kid.

Y/n smiled at Taehyung. Because she is not 'allowed' to talk.

Jungkook rolled his eyes."Y/n, I am going out to play football with my friends. I will be back after 2 hours. Remember what I have told you okay?"

She nodded her head.

"See you soon, Y/n " Taehyung patted her head.

"Don't touch her! I have told you to not touch my things!" Jungkook exclaimed in anger.

"Thing? She is your little sister." Taehyung said.

"Let's just go." They left.

They went out, “You like her huh?” Taehyung asked.

“Maybe.” Jungkook replied. Taehyung put his arm over Jungkook's shoulder.

“Do you want to do something Insane?” Taehyung asked.

“Like what?” Jungkook asked.

“Come, I will explain it to you.” Taehyung said.

y/n sat back on the couch, and started coloring again. After a while, she was hungry and she wanted to eat some snacks.

She looked around and no maid was around. So she went to the kitchen, and the snacks were in upper self. Jungkook always helped her get snacks, she tried but she couldn't reach.

She brought a stool and stood over it. She took the snack. But then she lost her balance. She closed her eyes, thinking that she would fall on the ground and get hurt badly. She fell into someone's arm.

She opened her eyes and saw Namjoon. "You could have just asked for my help, you would have got it if I didn't save you."

She stared back at Namjoon's face and then started crying. "Oh what happened?"

He panicked. And put her down. "I-i t-thought I will get hurt-"

"Oh you talk."

She immediately put her tiny hands over her mouth as if she had committed a sin.

"It is fine, it's been months but we never even talk. Do you want to be my friend?" He gently asked.

She looked nervous. "You don't need to be afraid of Jungkook."

Y/n started to get comfortable with Namjoon. She was laughing while talking to Namjoon when Jungkook came back home.

Jungkook was furious at Y/n. Just because she was 'Talking'.

"What are you doing Y/n!" She flinched when she heard Jungkook yell.

"Why are you yelling at her?" Namjoon said.

"Come with me, Y/n." Jungkook exclaimed.

"No, she will not." Namjoon said and held her hand.

It made Jungkook more mad, his parents came when they heard Jungkook scream.

"Jungkook what happened?" His mother asked.

"Hyung was talking to Y/n!" He said.

"Jungkook, then what is the problem?" His father asked.

"He was talking to Y/n when she was my doll! She can only talk to me! Hyung can't take my doll!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Jungkook, she is not a doll, she is a human. And she is your sister. Namjoon can talk to her." His father said. Jungkook was disappointed, his parents should take his side.

"No! No one can talk! Only I can! She is my doll! Why are you letting hyung play with my doll! And she is not my sister, I never told you to adopt her to make her my sister. I liked her.” Jungkook felt so angry, he didn't know what he should do so he started crying. Saying bad things to his parents for not taking his side.

Jungkook's father decided to talk to Jungkook alone. "Jungkook, why are you acting like this?"

"A-cting like what? S-she is my d-doll. I hate when people touch my toys. She should only talk to me, play with me, be with me." Jungkook's words were trembling because he was crying.

"Jungkook, she is not a toy. She is a human-"

"Stop, she is my doll. You said someone will come into my life and make me feel not empty. Y/n is that person."

His father sighed. "If Y/! is that person, then you are handling her wrong. If you want to keep her forever with you, and want her to be your doll. Then you have to give her freedom. "


"If you keep doing this, she will hate you. And she will disobey you."

"But if she talked with other people, she would be friends with them and what If she left me?" Jungkook asked.

"She will not. If she ever left you. I am here to bring her back to you."


✔️My Doll J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now