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Chapter 26

The room was filled with her moaning, and the sound of body rubbing against the glass.

She can fill their eyes on her, she looked at the dead body. It's sick, she feels disgusted.

But when she looks at Jungkook, she can't see anyone else there. She closed her eyes and just feel him.

Do they have any shame? Because they are having sex in a room filled with dead girls.

"Jungkook, c-an we leave this place?" She exclaimed.

Fcking her is better than killing her.

"No, let me just fck you here." He said. She just held Jungkook, as she was getting scared now.

He finally put her down. He pulled his pants back up.

She fixed her robe, and she was trembling, "Can we leave?"

“Are you okay? I know you are scared but I just want you to see the real me.” He said.

The real him was terrifying. Why would he even k!ll these girls?

She fell on her knees, her mind was not understanding what was happening or what just happened. Is she dreaming? Or is she actually surrounded by dead bodies?

“You look tired, come here.” He said and then lifted her up in bridal style. She was indeed feeling dizzy.  She looked back before leaving the room and her breath got stuck in her throat when she saw the glass tube with her name on it.

Does he want to k!ll her?

Y/n woke up and she was laying in a really comfortable bed. Surrounded by pink pillows and blankets. She sit up, and then she noticed a note.

‘I am going to see mom. I will return soon. Love you.’ -Jungkook

She was confused. What is he planning to do? Is he gonna k!ll her after playing with her like he k!lled other girls?

What about love? He doesn't love her? Can a monster like him even love? She was truly hurt, he says he loves her but also planning to k!ll her.

When she got up from bed, she was wearing cute silk pajamas. This pink color was making her sick. Everything was.

She stepped on something, she looked down and it was a thick book. She picks it up and realizes it was a journal. She opened it up and saw her photo.

The photo was of her from the day Jungkook went to asylum. Mr. Jeon took this picture, he used to click her pictures to send it to Jungkook. But the picture was not horrifying. The text were, it was Jungkook's writing and he clear wrote about the ways he wants to k!ll Y/n.

She turned the page and each page represented his anger and hate towards her when he was in asylum. The dates were mentioned in each page.

He wrote 46 pages of ways he wants to k!ll Y/n. ‘How badly he wanted to k!ll me?’ She thinks about it.

She can't stay here, not after knowing that he wants to k!ll her.

Her heart pounded, matching the rhythm of her quick steps. She came to the airport But she was told that she couldn't use her passport. She doesn't know why, but she renewed her passport last year.

She was almost at the exit  when a sleek black car screeched to a halt in front of her, blocking her path. The driver’s side window rolled down, revealing Mr. Jeon’s stern face.

“Rida, get in the car,” he ordered, his voice firm but not unkind.

Y/n hesitated, glancing around, but there was no escape. With a resigned sigh, she opened the door and slid into the passenger seat.

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