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Jungkook paced back and forth in the dimly lit living room, his thoughts consumed by the recent argument with Y/n. He was really furious. 

He owned her, he owned Y/n. How can his brother and father come between them?

 Worry and sadness etched across his face as he wondered how she was handling the situation. Unable to contain his restlessness, he stepped outside to find her.

To his surprise, Y/n appeared composed, as if she doesn't care about Jungkook, and what he is going through.

 Anger flared within him as he felt a sense of betrayal. Y/n was just drinking water from the fridge, she didn't want to come outside of her room but she was really thirsty. 

She saw Jungkook and she stopped at her place, as she looked at him scared. He walked closer to her and took the water bottle from him. "You are ungrateful, you are walking in a huge mansion because of me and still you act like a b!tch to me." 

"Th-is is my house too. Dad said it." She mumbled.

"Oh really? Are you sitting on his d!ck? What's the matter here huh?" He asked. Making her feel disgusted by the way he thinks. 

"He is like my father," She exclaimed. 

"And he is my father, so why does he take your side?" He asked. "Hyung too, are you having gangbangs without me?" 

Y/n had enough she slapped his face.

In a moment of frustration, he took her hand forcefully, his voice cutting through the tension.

"If you're not willing to respect me, you can't live here," Jungkook declared, his eyes blazing with intensity. "This house belongs to me, you can fcking go to where you come from."

He pushed her out into the cold rain, his actions fueled by a desire for control. He wanted to control her, he is not liking how she is out of his control now. 

The door closed behind her, leaving Y/n outside, alone and drenched.

As the rain poured, Y/n sat on the doorstep, feeling the weight of isolation. Her only refuge had become a place of despair. 

Jungkook's demand for an apology echoed in her mind, but she remained silent, refusing to bend to his will. She doesn't want to apologize, why should she apologize when it's clearly his fault?

The raindrops mirrored her tears, a poignant blend of sadness and defiance.

 Upon seeing Y/n sitting outside in the rain, Mr. Jeon quickly brought her inside, his concern evident. "What are you doing outside huh?" Me. Jeon asked. 

And Y/n was crying, "Why did you bring her inside?" Jungkook exclaimed.

Turning his attention to Jungkook, he scolded him with a stern tone.

"Jungkook stop it," Mr. Jeon reprimanded Jungkook. "You may reside here, but don't forget, I own this house. Treating Y/n this way is unacceptable."

" I just hate you Y/n! I trust you, and you trust everyone except me." He yelled before he left the house.

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