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Chapter 3

After Y/n came back home, Jungkook started being nicer to her. Y/n forgives him easily. For her Jungkook was her family, the first person who cared about her. So she feels connected with him. She can't understand that he is evil.

Someone is teasing her or making fun of her. She just needs to go to Jungkook and say. "Gugkie." With puppy eyes. That is enough, the person will disappear.

Risa liked the attention from Jungkook. Like who doesn't like attention? She was the main focus of her life even at a young age.

His sketchbooks are filled with her drawings. "Gugkie! This is cute! I look cute. I want to draw you too."

She said and took out her sketchbook and pencils. "Sit here."

Jungkook smiled. "Don't move. Let me draw the world bestest drawing."

She exclaimed. She was all focused on the drawing after 10 seconds, she said. "Okay done."

"Already?" Jungkook asked. She nodded her head and showed him the drawing.

"Is this me? It's just a stickman." Jungkook replied.

"Wait. Let me add." She drew bunny ears on the stickman. "Look now this is gugkie."

She laughed. Jungkook smiled. "Yes, it is cute. You want me to teach you?"

She nodded her head. "Sit here, I will teach you." He patted his lap. She sat on his lap. Jungkook is 18 now and Y/n is 14. It was common for her to sit on his lap. But now it made Jungkook uncomfortable.

"Just sit here." He makes her sit in between his legs, on his lap is too painful for him. He is taller and bigger than her so he could help her draw, but he likes this. How she is so tiny in-between his legs and looks like a little doll that he always calls her.

He put his head on her shoulder, his hands wrapped around her waist. Her back was resting on his chest. This felt so nice.

He kissed her neck. "Gugkie, it is making me laugh."

"Your skin is soft." He sucks on her neck. He realized she was still not ready, and he was ready to wait for her.

"I will teach you an easier way to draw a bunny." Jungkook said.


In just a few days, everyone was back to 'Normal' between Y/n and Jungkook. The way Jungkook thinks it is Normal and makes Y/n believe.

He controls her mind, and Y/n thinks of him as her best friend that she can share anything with. Like she can talk about herself to Jungkook for hours. And he would listen to her carefully. He cares about his doll a lot.

She was exhausted physically and mentally, but she can't express that to Jungkook. She was too scared to lose him, to lose the only family she has now.

She just wanted to live with a loving family, and Jungkook's family was that. She doesn't want to leave them, jungkook likes to dress up like a doll and she doesn't say anything.

She turned thirteen, while Jungkook was seventeen, he was worried about Y/n, since it was his last year of highschool, and he doesn't want to leave Y/n all by herself alone when she joins High School.

He was acting more possessive towards her, he was always over possessive. But it was different this time, he won't even tolerate someone looking at Y/n's way.

Jungkook scared everyone, and now everyone tries Y/n as if she was invisible. She would be in classes and no one would dare to talk to her, look at her, they act like she just doesn't exist.

✔️My Doll J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now