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Chapter 21

There was a huge Disney palace-like mansion, it was stunning. Looks unrealistic like a magical dream. While it's a nightmare.

"Woah Jungkook, it's beautiful. Whose house is this?" Pumpkin asked. Jungkook brought her here. He smiled.

"It's your house Pumpkin." He said.

"My house? You mean our future house? Are you proposing to me?" She asked and put her hands over her heart.

"No dear, it's a dollhouse." He held her hand.

She was confused. He took her inside the house, it was indeed like a dollhouse, everything a girl ever needed was inside it.

There were different rooms, each room had a label.

He took her to a room with a Orange door. Since orange is her color. There were stuffed toys all around the room.

"Jungkook what is this?" She asked.

"Your room, should we start playing?"

She was scared, everything looked so creepily perfect.

He started caressing her hair. "Let's play pumpkin."

"Risa, are you ignoring me?" Eunwoo asked.

"Why are you talking to me? Go talk to Jungkook. These days you are closer to him than me." Y/n cross her arms.

"You are jealous?" He asked.

"Of course I am. You are my close friend, not him." She said while pouting. Eunwoo chuckled.

"Okay I am sorry. I swear I didn't mean to ignore you." He pulled her closer to him, he hugged her back putting his head on her shoulder.

"Please don't be mad." He said and played with her hand.

"Should we go out on a date?" Eunwoo asked.

"No, I don't want to go out. I want to stay home and watch movies." Y/n said.

"Okay, I will come to your house." He said.

"No, my house is a zoo. No one lets us be alone and I want to spend some alone time with you." She exclaimed.

"Then we can meet at my house? My parents are not home." He said, he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Is that so? You calling me over because your parents are not home?" She turned to face him, she came even closer to him, resting her chest over his chest. She slowly ran her finger on his neck. "What will we do? When we are alone at home?"

"W-watch movies- as you said-"

"Only movies?" She played with his collars. Then smiled at how nervous she made him.

"Jungkook is here to pick me. Text me your address and time. See you at your house, Eunwoo." She kissed her Eunwoo's cheek.

She went to the car which was waiting for her for More than 30 min while she was flirting with Eunwoo. She opened the door and sat inside.

"Dad said you don't need to seduce him." Jungkook said annoyed.

"I wasn't seducing him because of our plan. He is my boyfriend, I was creating a mood." She said while staring at her nails.

"Boyfriend? Did he even confess to you? Or you guys even kissed?" He asked.

"I would have given my first kiss to him too if you didn't steal it." She mumbled.

Jungkook heard it, and he looked at her. Does she remember the kiss? He thought.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "I can handle this plan much better."

✔️My Doll J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now