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Chapter 16 

Jungkook's gaze lingered on the salon staff, captivated by her humble beauty and mesmerizing curly hair. He had already voted for Esme and wanted a new toy. 

As he admired her from afar, his girlfriend approached, excitedly announcing, "Jungkook, my nails are finally done! We can head out now."

While leaving, Jungkook found it hard to tear his eyes away from the intriguing salon employee. Esme nudged him, teasing, "What's got your attention, Jungkook?"

He stammered, "Uh, nothing. Just... appreciating the decor."

As they reached the door, Jungkook was still stealing glances, when suddenly it swung open, and he collided with someone. 

His heart just stopped when their eyes met, he looked at the eye who he is really familiar with. 

His OG toy, Risa. 

Whenever he looks at her everything and everyone else seems to just fade away.

She looked at Jungkook and then Esme before she pushed him and entered the beauty salon, "Don't block my way," She said before entering.

"You are saying as if I was the one who bumped into you, Risa." Jungkook said. He doesn't call her Risa. He would always call her Y/n, as it was her original name, but he was calling Risa as a way to mock her. 

"You both know each other?" Esme asked. Y/n stared at Esme, she thought pink and soft feminine was his type. 

But in reality Jungkook has no type at all. 

"No," Y/n replied. "Let's go to Arlen, we will be late for our appointment."

Y/n went to the reception, Jungkook looked at the girl who was with Y/n, Arlen. He knows she is Y/n's new best friend. 

Before this she had only one best friend and that was Jungkook. He doesn't want her to have friends or anyone except him. 

He wanted to k!ll Arlen, and he doesn't even want to Play with her, because her style matches with her vibe and personality. 

"Jungkook, let's go," Esme said and Jungkook nodded his head. Before leaving the salon. 

"How did he know your name?" Arlen asked. 

Y/n looked at her. "I don't know, he must work for dad or something. I don't know him."

Arlen is her best friend, but she is Risa's best friend and knows nothing about Y/n and her life.

She doesn't care about Jungkook or that girl who was with him.

The receptionist greeted Y/n and Arlen with a warm smile, "Hello! How can I assist you today?"

"Just manicure," Y/n said 

Arlen confidently spoke up, "I'd like a full body wax and a manicure, please."

The receptionist proceeded to schedule their appointments.

Y/n couldn't resist teasing, "Are you seeing someone?"

Arlen blushed and laughed, "Maybe, maybe not. The only person I am seeing is that guy I am stalking."

Y/n laughed, Arlen has mentioned about him before."I don't understand why are you stalking this man?"

"Because he is handsome," Arlen replied. 

"What if he is crazy? Handsome ones are the craziest." Y/n said and Arlen got excited. 

"I want my man to be crazy." Arlen replied and Y/n shook her head. She doesn't know what she is asking for.

Arlen left to get her wax, while Y/n was still waiting.

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