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Chapter 11

"Y/n." Namjoon wiped her tears, and made her sit on the bed, Running his fingers through Y/n’s hair. He softly asked, "Tell me, did something happen?"

"I am sorry. I made a huge mistake, I'm s-scared. I w-wasn't allowed to make a mistake and I made a huge one." She said,

"It's fine. Whatever happens, we all make mistakes. You can make mistakes too. But you need to tell me everything."

Y/n couldn’t help the cracks in her voice as she stumbled along their words. She couldn’t help the tears that gathered at the corners of her eyes and slid down her cheeks in an endless stream.  "I am s-scared to tell,"

"I know Y/n, but I'm here, I'm here for you. it’s going to be okay." he caressed her hand.

"Mom and dad will not kick me out? I really don't w-want to go back to the orphanage, they bully me there." She cried.

He patted her head. "No one is going to send you back. This is your family."

She trusts Namjoon, so she told Namjoon everything. He listens to her carefully. He gets furious at his brother, but doesn't want to show it to Y/n right now.

"I can't do this a-nymore. He has videos, he said he will show mom and dad that I am a h*e. I am sorry. I swear I d-didnt want to disappoint you." She hid her face. He hugged her.

"Y/n it's really not fault and you are not a h*e. Everything will be alright. We need to talk to mom and dad-"

"Please Oppa no, I am sorry but I don't want mom and dad to know about it." She cried more.

"Okay, stop crying. We will not tell mom and dad. At this point I think they already know.” Namjoon exclaimed. “He didn't force you right?”

She shook her head, “I love him, maybe it was my fault, he is becoming insane each day.”

Namjoon was silent.

"You are disappointed right?" She asked.

"No." He hugged her again.

The door opened, it was Jungkook. "What are you doing here Y/n?"

Jungkook asked in a calm tone, although he was really mad at Y/n for not coming to him to apologize. Except she was in Namjoon's room. Now he wants to punish her so badly.

Y/n hold Namjoon's shirt tightly. "Please don't want to go with him. He will punish me again." She whispered to Namjoon but Jungkook could hear that.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Jungkook asked, trying to act innocent, he walked closer to them. He wasn't really happy that Y/n was clingy to Namjoon. He was about to touch Y/n's shoulder but Namjoon pushed his hand.

"Don't touch her." Namjoon warned.

"It's you who needs to get your hands off her! Stop trying to steal my things!" Jungkook said.

"She is a fucking human, not a thing. I can't fucking believe what you her go through." Namjoon exclaimed, Jungkook was all serious, he got an idea that she told Namjoon everything. "You were the one who wanted her in our family? She was our responsibility, she is our little sister-"

"For god sake, she is not my sister, and I am not her brother. I never want to be one. I just want her in my life. And now I have her and I am Happy, fck off." Jungkook exclaimed.

"She is clearly not happy. You are fcking sick for taking advantage of her. Now you were blackmailing her?"

"Hyung, it's mine and Y/n matter. She wanted me too. Right Y/n?" He asked, more like warned her to say yes.

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