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Chapter 9

Jungkook approached Y/n, As he embraced her, he could feel her stiffening slightly, "I feel insulted." Y/n said.

He whispered, "Let's not talk about it, Y/n."

But Y/n, her eyes searching for answers, couldn't let it go. She pulled away gently, looking into Jungkook's eyes. "Do you even love me, Jungkook?"

He shook hisnhead, "I don't really understand what love is. It's not something I've ever felt or believed in."

Y/n's eyes widened, hurt and confusion etched across her face. "What do you mean you don't believe in love? Do you not love me?"

Jungkook shook his head, "I've never felt that emotion for anyone in my life. I can't comprehend it, Y/n. But that doesn't mean I don't care about you."

Y/n's voice trembled as she spoke, "How can you not believe in love? Is our relationship just a game to you?"

Jungkook's eyes darkened, a hint of possessiveness surfacing. "It's not a game, Y/n. I just don't want to give it a name I can't understand. But you're mine, and that's all that matters."

As Jungkook tightened his grip.

"We are dating right?" Y/n asked.

"We are not. You are my doll and I am your owner, when people date, they break-up, and get separated. But you can't be separated from me Y/n, I will never let that happen."

She stared at Jungkook, maybe he was just afraid to fall in love or be in a relationship.

Y/n cupped his face, "I don't want to get separated from you ever."

"We will not doll. Tell me baby, I can fake it. I can fake our relationship, do you want that or do you want me to be honest?" he said.

"Be honest Jungkook," she replied. He smiled.

"I will," Jungkook exclaimed and kissed her.

He lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist as he brought her inside the cabin of the yacht. He sits on the sofa, and pulls her off his lap and makes her knee on the ground.

"Suck your owner, doll." He exclaimed, Y/n was staring at him, she doesn't like the word 'Owner' or 'Doll'. Jungkook caressed her hair softly. "Come on, open my pants for me, baby."

She nodded her head, and did so. She rested her hands on his thighs, and Jungkook stared at the heavenly sight in front of him.

"Take off my pants." He instructed, stroking her face as she looked up at him with her big eyes. Her nodded, fingers hooking around the waistband of his black dress pants and boxers.

Y/n sat on the couch, engrossed in a late-night snack binge. She is not allowed to eat much, Jungkook doesn't want her to gain weight, and she is fine with it. She doesn't mind working out or being skinny. But the way Jungkook tells her to eat less and less each day was getting too much.

She was excited that she gets to eat something that she wanted at this time. Little did she know, Jungkook silently observed her from the shadows, his gaze fixated on every movement she made.

Jungkook stepped forward, his presence startling Y/n as she turned to see him standing there, "Y/n, you really shouldn't eat at this hour," he murmured, a hint of concern in his voice.

Confused, Y/n looked at the clock and then back at Jungkook. "It's just a little snack. What's the big deal?"

Jungkook's expression tightened. "Dolls don't eat at 2 am. It causes bloating, and I don't want you to have fat."

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