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Chapter 6

"I was thinking that we should go on a family trip since Jungkook and Y/n's summer vacation will start from next week." Their father said.

"Yes!!! That is a great idea! I wanted to show Y/n our summer house!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Y/n what do you think?" Namjoon asked her. She was sleeping.Y/n fell asleep during family lunch.

"Y/n," they gently touch her shoulder to wake her up. "Hm?"

Y/n doesn't let her sleep at night and then she has school the next day because of that she couldn't get enough sleep.

"Honey, why are you acting this way? You went to sleep on time last night." Mrs. Jeon said.

"Y-yes, mom. I-i don't know." She lied.

"Maybe she just needs an evening nap. But Y/n we are going on a vacation!" Jungkook said, trying to change the topic.

"Oh Woah!!" She jumped a little, being excited. "But what do we do on vacation?" She asked, making everyone laugh.

"Hi," A boy said to Y/n. She kept drawing because she didn't think that the guy was talking to her. No one in her class talked to her, Jungkook scared everyone.

"Y/n, hi I am talking to you." She looked up at the handsome and cute little guy.

"You know me?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am Eunwoo, remember we were friends in an orphanage." He tried to remind her. Then she remembered, she got up and hugged him.

"Ahh, I am sorry I forgot! How are you!" She asked.

"I am good. I also got adopted and to a nice loving family. So I will study in this school too." He told her.

"That is great news!"

Y/n talked to him for a while, she was happy to meet her old friend.

Then Someone pulled Y/n away from Eunwoo, and she looked confused at Jungkook. "How dare you low cheap kid try to touch Y/n!"

He push Eunwoo, "Gugkie I was just talking to him-"

"Shush, don't say a word right now. And you." He pointed his finger at Eunwoo, "Just because you got adopted to a rich family doesn't make you a noble, who can trust kids like you who get raised in an orphanage? You have no family! No status! You grow up wearing my used clothes and you are alive because my father is giving Charity money to that orphanage, so remember that!" Jungkook said that to Eunwoo.

But Y/n also got hurt by all that, she pushed Jungkook and left crying.

"See what you did!" Jungkook was about to Punch Eunwoo's face but he didn't. "Right now Y/n is important. But next time I will fcking kill you if you touch or even talk to her."

Saying that Jungkook left following Y/n.

"What happened?" He held her hand but Y/n pushed him hard, she said nothing and left.

Jungkook followed her, they went back home. Jungkook kept asking what happened and Y/n was not replying.

"Why are you acting like this?" He asked.

"You are rude! And respect no one! You are spoiled!" She said.

"Why are you saying that?"

She started crying. "Just leave, I don't want to talk. I-i thought you care about me."

"Doll, I do. I care about you." He said.

"You called the kids ' orphanage with an awful name, and I am from that place too, you said that about me. I belong there and I am here because of you one day you will say mean things to me too"

"You don't belong there you belong here. You are mine, my doll. And that is your identity." He hugged her. She push him.

"Gugkie why can't you be nice to everyone?"

"I am nice. I am nice to you. Only you." Jungkook managed to trap her in his words.


Like now Jungkook is,just can't get enough of Y/n. It's been more than two years, and Jungkook doesn't leave a chance whenever they are alone. Even in school and during vacation they spent more time together.

Jungkook did agreed to join college, but he alway reach her highschool to cause a scene.

She tries to avoid Jungkook, but she barely gets to sleep because Jungkook keeps her up.

Y/n was eating her dinner as quickly as she could. Jungkook was staring at her, he couldn't get to talk to her and really wanted to talk and wanted her too.

"I am done. Thank you for the meal." She said with mouth full of food. Y/n tried to leave the dining table early so she could go to her room and lock herself.

"Y/n, honey you should eat slowly and chew properly." Mother told her

"I need to complete my homework." She lied.

"Before that, take a shower."

"I will take shower tomorrow-"

"Y/n, take a shower you skip the shower this morning too."

Y/n can't argue more she went to the bathroom. The problem is that the bathroom attached to her room is connected with Jungkook's room. That way he can sneak into her room or both can meet in the bathroom. But Y/n was trying to avoid having s*x right now.

It didn't take long, Jungkook used keys to open the door. Which didn't surprise Y/n but she was scared.

She is scared of hurting him or making him upset. And of course scared of his punishments.

A doll should be obedient or else she will get punishment.

She walked back until her back touched the door. She tried to open it but Jungkook held her hand.

"Are you trying to avoid me doll?" He picked her up and sat her on the sink. He didn't wait and started kissing her neck.

"Gugkie," she gently called in fear of making him mad.

"Let's shower together." He said and took off his shirt. He was about to take off her clothes but she stopped him and shook her head.

"I want us to stop." She said, He wasn't focusing on her and continued taking her clothes off. Y/n got upset and pushed him.

"I said I don't want it!" She yelled.

Then someone knocked on the door. "Y/n are you okay in there?" Mother asked.

Jungkook wore his shirt and signaled Y/n to tell his mother a lie.

"Mom! Jungkook is teasing me!" Y/n yelled. Jungkook never looked at Y/n with this much anger before.

"Jungkook, what are you doing inside? " Mother asked.

"Just pranking her." He said and opened the door.

"Really Jungkook? Why were you teasing her? Go to your room and sleep." She scolded her.


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