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Chapter 12

Mr. Jeon entered quietly. Y/n lay on the bed, her eyes weary from the ordeal she had been through. He approached her gently, his fingers delicately grazing her hair.

“ How are you holding up, Y/n?” He asked softly.

Y/n shook her head, her disappointment evident as she looked away. “It's gone, my baby…”

Mr. Jeon couldn't help but chuckle. “Can my baby stop being sad? That baby could have done more harm to your body then good,”

She still looked upset, “You know having a child would have made you so much less attractive to Jungkook?” He said

“No he loves me.”

“Does he?” He asked. “You know how big a scandal this could have caused, right? It's good that you got rid of the scandal,”

Scandal. That's all he was calling her.

“You think you can trap Jungkook by having a child? He wouldn't even care,” he said.

“What can I do?” She asked.

“Trust me you don't need a baby,” Mr. Jeon smirks, and tug her hair behind her ear, “I honestly believe women are the strongest honey, you would know better than me. Tame his monster, I know have talent for that. I really don't like seeing you getting controlled by him when you can control him. Remember you are Jeon Risa, don't underestimate your name.”

She stared at him wondering what that could mean, he kissed her forehead. “Right now you need to take care of yourself, You were already anemic and right now your health is important “

As Y/n nodded through her tears, Mr. Jeon remained by her side.

Namjoon examined the small pills the maids had handed him, he asked the maids for the maids Y/n took. “What are these pills for?”

“Iron, and vitamins, but Mr. Jeon gave these to her only once.” She told Namjoon, he clicked the picture and then sent it to the doctor.

Who informed him that those pills were for abortions. His surprise grew as he realized they were not what he had assumed.

“You gave her the pills? Knowing what they are for?” Namjoon exclaimed. His father looked at him and closed the laptop.

“What did you want Namjoon? Jungkook is 22, Y/n is 18. They are still really young, to own a child. And Jungkook doesn't even want it.” He replied.

“But Y/n did, right?”

“Yeah, she doesn't know what is right for her, it's our responsibility to teach her. I want what's better for her.” He exclaimed.

“Dad, that is so messed up,” Namjoon exclaimed.

“It is not, she was prepared for the baby both physically and mentally. I want you to make sure she stays away from Jungkook now. I don't want them to cause more problems.”


Y/n came back home, she was feeling better now although she was in extreme pain. But Namjoon took care of her.  Extreme care of her, and she needed it. Her treatment wasn't ended yet, a nurse would also be around to take care of her.

They hide everything from their mother and send her away for some time.

Namjoon doesn't let Jungkook meet her, but Jungkook really wants to meet her. He found a perfect time to do that when Y/n was alone.

Jungkook knocked on her door, she looked up and then looked at the other side. She doesn't want to see his face. "Can I come in?" He asked.

She didn't say anything. She hugged her legs and just looked out of the window. Her room looked like a hospital room with all the medicines and drips. She was getting the rest of the treatment at home.

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