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Chapter 20 

Namjoon turned sides but he couldn't sleep. He sat up and remembered he hasn't seen Y/n since the ball. 

Lorena was sleeping on his bed, he patted her hair. Her face was covered in tears. He smiled a little, "You should get used to it Rena." He mumbled.

Before He stood up, he wore his clothes. Before making his way out of the room.

He saw Jungkook's room was closed. Y/n's room is In Front of Jungkook's room. Namjoon knocked on her room gently. She didn't reply, but the door was open. 

He decided to enter the room. Namjoon just made sure that she was safe and sleeping on her bed. He put a blanket over her, he smiled at her, as she created a pout while sleeping as if she was a baby. 

He kissed her forehead. "Good night." 

He said and left her room, closing it behind carefully as he doesn't want to make any noise or wake her up. 

He flinched as Jungkook was standing behind her. "What the hell jungkook? Why are you here?" 

"My room is In Front, I heard some footsteps and decided to check." Jungkook replied. 

"Go sleep and stay away from Risa and her room." Namjoon said. 

Jungkook chuckled. "You are the one who comes here in the middle of the night. And looked scared when you got caught."

"I came just to check, she left the ball early. And did you bring her home?" Namjoon asked. 

"Uhm, I did." Jungkook said. 

"Why? You need to fking stay miles away from her." Namjoon exclaimed. 

"I just brought her home as she was tired. Can't I even do that? Hyung I have changed." Jungkook exclaimed. 

"Change." Namjoon chuckled. "I don't think so, anyways, Go sleep, you are not worthy of my trust."

"You like hurting girls too don't you?" Jungkook said with a smirk. "The screams were pretty loud and scary, is the girl with you okay?"

"Don't interfere in my personal matters." Namjoon said with a serious tone.

"Exactly, I want you to not interfere in my personal matters too." Jungkook exclaimed. 


Another day and again she woke up with severe headache, within a week, two hangovers. 

She holds her head with both of her hands, creating circular motion with the palm of her hands.

Remember Jungkook said she is the most dangerous type of drunk person. 

Indeed she is, since yesterday she awakened the dragon. And she doesn't even remember that.

She held her clothes and was shocked. She should be wearing her ball dress. She panicked. "Oh my god! My dress!" She said, "Who changed my outfit!" She panicked. 

She asked the maid. "Do you have any idea how I came back home?" 

They told her that Jungkook brought her home, so she decided to talk to him. And she gets the vibe that something happened between him and her. But she doesn't remember anything.

She knocked on his door. He opened the door with a straight face. "What?" He rudely asked. 

"What happened last night?" She asked. 

"I helped your drunk ass again, leave, I am busy." He was going to shut the door, but Y/n stopped him.

"No! I want details!" She said, Jungkook took a sigh.

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