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Chapter 14

Y/n really didn't expect that his father would send Jungkook to asylum. She really thought she would be the one who gets kicked out after the truth gets revealed. 

But it was the opposite, Mr. Jeon acted completely opposite. He took her side. 

For Y/n it was really hard to live a normal life. She was dependent on Jungkook for everything. She doesn't even know how to talk to other people.

She has been afraid of people, but now she was invisible, no one cared about her existence and some even bullied her. But Jungkook wasn't there to protect her.

She stopped going to school. She was afraid to attend school, she was afraid, she didn't realize how much Jungkook was doing for her. He was protecting her. 

She skipped her school for two days, Namjoon tried to convince her or ask her the reason but she didn't tell Namjoon anything. 

Then Mr. Jeon had to ask her why she was avoiding classes. Concerned, he approached her.

"Risa, why aren't you not going to school? Is everything okay?" He asked, as he stood near her. 

"Yes dad, everything is fine." She replied.

"Are you feeling sick? You look dull these days." He put his hand over her forehead, patted her gently. 

She can't tell him that she is feeling low because she was missing Jungkook's existence. He would protect her, from everyone. Now she was feeling left out. 

"You are missing Jungkook?" He asked. She looked at him surprised. And he chuckled, "Don't be surprised, I know you better than you know yourself."

Y/n hesitated but decided to confide in him.

"It's not like I miss Jungkook, I just miss how he used to protect me. Now it's so hard," Y/n exclaimed. 

"He was not protecting you Risa, he was making you weaker and depended on him." He said. 

"But now what should I do? Everyone's behavior changed in school, I... I've been getting bullied. It's been really hard for me.

Mr. Jeon, looking serious, sat down beside her. "Bullies honey? You can't let them break you, Risa. You're not just anyone; you're a Jeon. Stand up for yourself. Like Namjoon does, like Jungkook does,"

Y/n looked puzzled.

"But how? I'm not like them."

" You know that I would have never adopted an ordinary girl that my 8 year old son chose, why do you think I brought you to my house and Gave you a name?" he asked.

Y/n shook her head, she doesn't know. She knows that Jungkook was really spoiled by his parents, but she never gets why they adopt her?

"I have seen a strength within you that you need to tap into. Don't be afraid, Risa. You're part of a powerful family, and it's time you start acting like it." He leaned in, his tone firm. "You can't let bullies dictate your life. If they see fear, they'll exploit it. Instead, show them the strength of a Jeon."

Y/n took a deep breath, absorbing his words. 

"I'll try, Dad."

"That's my girl. Remember, you carry the Jeon name, my surname. It's time to let the world know about it." He exclaimed.

He took a gun out of his pants and placed it on her lap. "If anyone dares to look at you, k!ll them. You need to stop acting like Y/n, and start behaving like Jeon Risa. Like my Jeon Risa."

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