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Chapter 5

Namjoon went out looking for where Y/n and Jungkook were. They weren't in the pool area.

He went to Jungkook's room, where he could hear them. He opened the door.

He saw them playing video games on Jungkook's PC. Everything looks normal as if nothing happened.

"Hyung, you want something?" Jungkook asked.

"I just want to check you both. Y/n why are you wearing Jungkook 's clothes?" He asked.

"She was wearing her bathing suit, so I gave her some clothes." Jungkook shrugs his shoulders.

Namjoon walked closer to walk, her cheeks were all red. She can never look at Namjoon the same way. He put his hand over her forehead.

"Why are you red? Do you have a fever?"

"No, she got sunburn. " Jungkook said.

Namjoon squeezes Y/n's cheeks and makes her look up in his eyes. "You didn't apply sun creams when you went out?"

She nodded her head. Namjoon smiled. "Adorable." He mumbled.

Jungkook hears Namjoon saying, "You both play. I am in my room. And don't cause any trouble."

Namjoon kissed Y/n's cheek, "You red cheeks are adorable but next time apply sun cream."

He said and then left. Jungkook put his headphones down and walked near Y/n. He wiped her cheeks.

"Why were you blushing?" Jungkook asked.

"I wasn't." She lied. Jungkook squeezed her cheeks.

"You were. And don't let anyone kiss you. Only I can kiss you." He leaned in and about to kiss her lips.

He leaned in and kiss her last. "So, don't you love me?" Jungkook asked.

"As a family and friend. I do love you all, Gugkie." She exclaimed. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"And as your everything. I am your everything doll." Jungkook leaned in kissed her forehead.

He caressed the necklace she was wearing. The necklace was smaller for her. "Is it suffocating? It's way too small for you now."

"I don't know, I am used to it now. I never took it off." She exclaimed.

"It's really precious to you right?" He asked, she nodded her head and smiled.

"Yes, dad gave this to me. Before he," Y/n got a little sad thinking about her real parents.

"Who is more important to you? Me or this necklace?" Jungkook asked.

She chuckled. "Why do you compare yourself with everything? Both of you are important."

"Both can't be important, I am a human while it's just a useless old necklace." Jungkook exclaimed, he should be her most important to her.

"Jungkook, it's the only memory I have of my family. I don't even remember their faces anymore. This is the only thing that remind me of them." She said holding the necklace.

"Don't be sad Y/n. We are your family now. " He hugged her and sit her on lap. "Now show me your smile." He tickled her.

She started laughing. "Stop!" He kept tickling her.

Jungkook sneaks into her room like he always does. Y/n was sleeping peacefully. He caressed her hair and kissed her cheeks.

Then took the necklace off her neck. "It's better to forget the past. You already forget their faces, now it's time to let them go "

Next morning, Y/n noticed that she was not wearing the necklace. She freaked out and tried to find it. Then she called Jungkook 's mother trying to find the necklace. She was crying so much. It meant alot to her.

"Y/n, it must be here. Don't worry. We will find it."

She told the maids to find the neck too.

Y/n doesn't want to lose the only memory she has of her parents. She doesn't even remember their faces now, but having that necklace made her feel like she is still connected to her parents.

After checking the house they still couldn't find it, Jungkook said nothing about the whole thing. He didn't want there to cry, he was to return the necklace but it would be too late, Y/n would be mad at him.

Also he throws the necklace away so even he doesn't know where the necklace is.

"Y/n, honey at least stop crying. We are looking for it." She wiped her tears but she was crying more and more.

She wasn't even eating meals properly. Jungkook was looking for it too, he threw it out of his window, so he checked in the pool area and even at the back of his house which is deep there.

Everyone was worried because of how Y/n was reacting. Namjoon tried to calm her since Jungkook wasn't there and Their mother or father couldn't stop her crying.

"You will get sick like this. You've been crying since the morning." Namjoon puher on his lap and wiped her tears.

"M-mom and da-d-" her words were breaking because of crying. She never recovered from their death and missed them. Even when Jungkook's family doesn't make her feel different. They give more attention and love but of course she misses her biological parents.

"Shush,.It's fine, it's fine. We will find it. Okay?" He hugged her and patted her back. She whimpered but hugged him back.

She has been crying since morning, she was tired and fell asleep on his chest. He caressed her hair gently. He didn't realize when he started caring about her that much.

But he is grateful that his family adopted Y/n. He kissed her forehead, she is really tiny compared to him. And he wants to protect her. He doesn't want anyone to hurt her.

Jungkook doesn't like how Y/n was cuddling to Namjoon. He shook her shoulder.

"Let her sleep, what are you doing?!" Namjoon whispered and pushed Jungkook's hand away. Jungkook got furious as Y/n is his doll and here Namjoon pushed him away.

Y/n already woke up, she looked at Jungkook. "Doll,"

He showed her the necklace. Y/n gasped and happily took it. She hugged Jungkook. "Thank you! Gugkie! You found it for me." She exclaimed happily.

Jungkook smiled and hugged her back. She doesn't even know that Jungkook is hiding it and she thinks he found it. At that he became more precious to her than that necklace.

She felt weird in her sleep, she opened her eyes and saw Jungkook on top of her.

"Gugk-kie-" she moaned.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. Just sleep." He said. How can she sleep when he is hurting her?

"Gugkie-" she told him, he patted her head.

"My pretty doll, you have to get used to this. Get used to your Gugkie. You are made for me, to love me, to please me and to be with me." He started while thrusting deep in.

She cupped his face, "And you love me too right?"

She asked and he didn't reply.

She wanted Jungkook to love her, as much as she loves him. He calls her doll, but she doesn't wanted to be just a doll for him.

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