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Chapter 23

Y/n was pretending to ignore Namjoon in front of others, she was being close to him to know the truth.

Their mother is ignoring Y/n, she still blames Y/n for everything.

Only Mr. Jeon is talking to Y/n, making sure if she is fine.

It has been a mess for Y/n, she can't stop thinking about Namjoon.

As much as she can remember, she knows it wasn't an illusion that Namjoon and his father made her believe.

She needs to find it.

If It was reality or an illusion.

She put the test on the table, demanding answers, "Don't say it's my hallucinations, again."

Mr. Jeon looked at the test and then her. His expressions were unreadable, his expressions were always unreadable, it doesn't tell what he is thinking.

Then He took off his glasses, and rubbed his temple. He stood up and closed the door, unlocking it.

He walked back to her, "Who else did you tell?"

"No one." She exclaimed. "I hate you, you made me believe it's an illusion just to protect Your sons."

"I wasn't protecting my sons." He replied, he wiped her tears. " At least stop crying now."

She was not even crying, but him saying that actually made her cry. She felt like her trust kept getting broken, she was just trying to escape the doll label. And get treated like a toy, but it seems to keep happening.

He hugged her, patted her back. "Don't tell anyone, I will solve this matter."

"I don't trust you." She exclaimed, after Namjoon. Now she can't trust anyone.

"Not even me?" He asked.

She shakes her head. "No."

“Why not?” He asked. She really doesn't trust Mr. Jeon at all. But she decided to say.

“I only trust you,” She replied.

"But can we visit the hospital? Maybe this is an error." He said. “But if it's not, just tell me what have you decided?" He asked.

"What?" She looked at him with teary eyes.

"You want to keep the baby or abort it." He asked.

"Abortion." She said.

"Yes but do you want to kill an innocent soul?" He asked.

“Dad, let's not debate about that. It's not like I was having fun, it was actually not my fault, so why do I have to take care of the baby who I never asked for?” Y/n replied. "Besides Doctor said it's better for me to get abortion. Either way the baby will not survive."

"But if you keep it, there is a chance that it will survive. What if in future you will not be able to get pregnant?" He asked. “It's part of you right? And I am here to always support you right? You don't need to worry about taking care of the baby or anything else.”

"I don't know. I am not keeping up. I don't want to take any risk." She exclaimed, it's all because of Jungkook. Her body still hasn't recovered from the long term effects.

“What if it's Jungkook’s child? You said you want to have a child with him, remember how much you cried because you lost the baby?” He said. She thought if she had a baby Jungkook will love her

“That was teenager me, now I don't want any child with him or anyone like this.” She exclaimed.

"But you should still rethink.” He exclaimed and Y/n looked at him.

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