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Chapter 25 

Arlen's trailer was a cozy but cramped space. Y/n sat on the worn couch with a steaming bowl in her hands. The sound of a small fan was the only noise apart from the occasional creak of the trailer's metal frame settling.

Arlen hovered nearby, fidgeting with a loose thread on the curtain. "Are you sure you're comfortable, Y/n? I know this place is small and... well, not exactly luxurious."

Y/n slurped up a noodle and looked at her friend, offering a small smile. "Honestly, Arlen, it's fine. I'm poorer than you are right now. At least you have a roof over your head, meanwhile I don't even have my identity."

Arlen sat near Y/n, her red dyed long hair looked perfect like they always do. She picked up the pack of cigarettes that was on the table and lit it up with the lighter.

" Have you told Jungkook? Does he know what's going on?" Arlen asked.

Y/n's expression darkened as she set her bowl down. "I've been avoiding him for some time. I just... I can't face him right now. His father kicked me out of the house just because I'm with Jungkook. I thought dad, his father was like a father to me, but I was wrong."

Arlen sat down beside her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Parents can be assholes when it comes to controlling their kids. Mr. Jeon couldn't control his sons, and when he couldn't control you either, he lost his sanity."

Y/n sighed, leaning into Arlen's touch. "It's just so disappointing. I believed in him, in our family. Now, everything feels shattered."

Arlen squeezed her shoulder gently. "He spoiled you a lot. I was a little jealous but now it feels weird. You think he is in love with you?"

Y/n stared at her, thinking Arlen had lost it. "Are you high? What are you even talking about?"

"I am just saying, you said he was acting as if you betrayed him. And humans are selfish, so the reason for him spoiling you can be him looking at you in another way." Arlen said. 

"I rather k!ll myself," Y/n shake her head. That thought did cross her mind but she doesn't want to think that way. "It just hurt his ego, I have never said no to him, he is mad because of that."

Arlen shrugged his shoulders, "I will never get how rich people's minds work."

Arlen glanced at her phone, her face illuminated by the screen's glow. Suddenly, her eyes widened in shock. "Oh my God," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief. "The Jeon mansion is on fire!"

Y/n looked up with a chuckle. "Let me guess," she said, a playful smirk forming on her lips. "Jungkook's behind it, isn't he?"

Arlen's mouth fell open as she looked at her friend. "Wait, what? How do you know?"

Y/n leaned back in her chair, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Because I know him. That's just the kind of thing he does."

"And you are happy?" Arlen asked. Y/n shrugged her shoulders. 

"Yes, he is crazy and I like when he shows his craziness for me." 

Arlen shook her head, still stunned by the news. "You know, sometimes I get really jealous of you."

Y/n raised an eyebrow, curious. "Jealous? Of what?"

Arlen sighed dramatically, a hint of envy in her voice. "I want a psychopath boyfriend too."

Y/n laughed, the sound warm and genuine. "Be careful what you wish for, Arlen. It's not always as exciting as it seems. I am afraid that one day he will low-key k!ll me,"

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