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The next day, staff were baffled as they watch Zee do their daily prep in the kitchen. His face is the same stoic face that they are used to. But he seemed to have a spring in his step.
"He's happy" Max pointed out

"Why is he happy? Is the world going to end?" Net added

"I can hear you. And I will end your world if you dont move your ass to work." Zee tells them. Net and the others dispursed immediately, scared of getting Zee's wrath

Boun suddenly entered the kitchen with the jar in his hand

"Somebody put a 1000bill in the jar!" Boun shouted

"What?" Everybody exclaimed

"Its from a thankful customer." Zee said to them

" a very thankful customer by the looks of it" Tutor said

Mark then came in too after seeing that no one is outside

"What's happening?" Mark asked

"A thankful customer put in a 1000bill in the jar" Yim told him

"Good for them. But why is he happy?" Mark asked as he points at Zee.

Zee slammed the knife in the chopping board.
"I will be happier if I will just chopoff your hands since it seems like they are useless as Im the only one that's actually working here" Zee glared at all of them

Mark cleared his throat
"You heard the boss, back to your stations!" Mark said as the others hurried back to their work stations to prep.

"Arent you a boss too?" Boun playfully said as him and Mark went out of thd kitchen.

"But im more scared of that boss than the accounting books in my office" Mark said as he shakes his head.

The restaurant was so busy that night. It was a full house from start to finish It was friday so everybody kind of expected it. By 9pm every single one of them is knackered. They cant wait until 9:30 to finally close the kitchen. All of the table's orders are in so only few more wait and they can start cleaning up.

9:25 and Poppy came in with a ticket on his hand. All of the crew grumbled.
"Online take away order. Pea snd crab risotto" Foie tells him.

Zee looked at the clock. Last minute order he thought

"What's the name of the person who ordered?" Zee asked

Everybody looked confused as Zee it's not something they bother about.

"It just said Nu" Poppy tells him

Zee smirked. Knew it he said in his head.

"You can all clean your stations, I'll handle this" Zee tells all of them

"Are you sure boss?" Tommy asked him

"Sure. It's just a risotto. I can take it. You all go and start cleaning" Zee told him.

He then started making risotto. As he was preparing it, he glanced at Yim.

"Yim, do you still have any desserts left?"

Yim looked at his fridge
"There's still kiwi tart and the strawberry cheesecake. Why?" Yim asked him

"This is the person who gave to the jar. Let's give him some as a thank you. Can you pack the kiwi tart for me" Zee told yim

"You mean the it's the customer who gave the 1000bill? Here give him more crab too. That money will surely help our food drive" Jimmy tells him.

Their restaurant started doing food drives last year to help the ones who are struggling with buying food as a pay forward for their success. The money in the jar if it's not used all go towards the food drive. They have minimum food wastes as well as all the produce that they have which will soon go out of date all go to the local soup kitchen or homeless shelters.

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