Twenty Four

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Zee is panicking.

He has been trying to bake the perfect cake for two days but he would always find the tiniest imperfection on his cake. He has thrown and given away loads of cakes already. His neighbors as well as the other businesses across their street has all been given free cakes just so that it wouldnt be a waste.

Yim is about to pull his hair out already. Zee has asked for his help but Zee cant be satisfied with whatever they are making. They have tried all flavor combinations. But Zee always would find something wrong with it.

"P'Zee, all the cakes that you've done for the past two days would make the bakeries in the country nervous. They are already above the standards of a normal cake. Just chill, Nunew would like whatever you make for him." Max told Zee as he pats his shoulder

"It's true phi, you havent baked in 3 years but all the cakes you've done are even better than the best cake shop in Bangkok." Net told him

"Boss if you dont finish one now, you wont have a cake in time for tomorrow. You need to decide today" Yim reminded him. It's already Saturday and they still have dinner service tonight.

"I just want to make the perfect one. And so far, it's not perfect yet" Zee said as he puts his head on his hand

"Alright. Lets do it the way your brain will recognize it since you associate everything with cooking and flavors. Which type of fruit would you describe Nunew" Yim asked

Zee thought about it.
"Strawberry. He's always sweet, but he's also balanced with his tangyness. Plus his lips are so nice and red and plump" Zee said

"Ooookaaay, im not asking about physical qualities but that will do." Yim chuckled
"Now, if you will compare him to a type of cake, what will you choose?

"He's definitely not a vanilla. He's has a lot more character than that. Uhmmmm" Zee thought about it.
"A chocolate cake, he has such a deep personality like the deep flavor of a chocolate. He's sweet and deep. And his eyes are dark and rich, you can get lost in them easily" Zee said

Tommy sighed, while the rest of them shake their head.

"He's so whipped" Jimmy whispered.

"Alright, now combine those two and think if the cake you think would highlight those two." Yim said.

Zee's eyes then widened.
"Damn how could I not have started with that" Zee said he then looked at Max.

"The introvert" he told Max whose eyes widened as he recognizes the name.

"Damn. How could you forgot about that?" Max said.

"Can somebody explain?" Tutor said while Zee runs around the kitchen getting all the ingredients that he needs

"The Introvert is P'Zee's masterpiece when we were in University. It's bssically a moist dark chocolate cake with cream and fresh strawberries inside. It was well known during our year because he made the chocolate cake very rich and dark that everybody thought it would be bitter. But the cream and sweet fresh strawberries balanced all the flavors making it the perfect taste. They tried to recreate it but only him can make it that perfect for some reason" Max explained.

"Why call it Introvert though? Isnt it too peculiar to call a cake like that?" Tommy asked

"Because its like an introvert person who has a huge barrier around him. People might think he has a bitter personality and just aloof but they dont know that he has a very soft and sweet personality, it's just that people havent tried to look inside. Just like the cake. People thought it would be too bitter not until they tried it." Zee explained.

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