Message from the author

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Serenity has come to its end.

It is with a heavy heart that I close this book of mine. I have loved every single chapter of Serenity and writing it gives me joy and fulfillment. Ending it feels like a heart break.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you who have loved this fanfiction story of mine. It has been an great joy writing this. I love it so much that I struggled to come into terms that I need to put an ending into it. I tried to keep it going and going but like everything else, it all has to come to an end.

Thank you for joining this journey with me. Thank you for patiently waiting everyday for a chapter or two. Thank you for the comments and votes. All your encouragement mean the most to me.

For a newbie writer like me to receive such support from all of you is heart warming. So thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

This story will forever be here. If you need a pick me up feel good story, Serenity will always be here for you as much as you were to it.

I will still upload an epilogue. And maybe some bonus chapters if i get an inspiration.

Again, thank you. You all mean the world to me.
Until next time, i hope to see you on the next story.

With much love and thankfulness to all of you,



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