"Happy" reunion

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It didn't take them long to get to sly's hideout.Once they got there they laid ratchet on the couch and sly started patching him up.Sly was concerned for the lombax,he didn't mean to do it.Not if you he knew it was ratchet,sly let out sigh.Everything would be fine he didn't hit him that hard.A hand on his shoulder made him stop thinking, he turned to see who was grabbing him.It was jak.He sat next to him and looked at him.
"I'm sorry for what happened back there." Sly said and continued patching ratchet up.
"If I would have known I would hav-"
"You're running the family business?" Jak out of nowhere asked the question and sly was out of words.He always knew that they didn't want him to become a thief.They all had plans for the future,sly wanted to be in the circus,Jak wanted to be in the military, and ratchet wanted to be a mechanic.That never happened.What sly has learned over the years is that life can be cruel.He gave jak a fake smile and hoped he didn't notice.
"Yeah,I think that my parents wanted me to do it." Jak just stared at him.
"And I think ratchet would be happy to hear that you're a criminal."
Sly looked at ratchet,then back at jak.
"You make it sound really bad."
Jak started getting angry,he stood up.
"Oh I don't know sly maybe because it is." It was sly's turn to get angry.
"And why do you care?Its my life"
"I care because I'm your friend!" Jak's finger nails started growing, long and sharp.
"Well you used too!Not anymore,things have changed jak!We aren't kids and I don't need a idiot bringing me down!" Sly made his hands into fists,the others were just listening.
"Ah...guys,where are we?" Ratchet said sitting up shaking his head.He looked at jak then at sly.
"Sly!" Ratchet got up and hugged him.Sly was surprised at ratchet's actions,he calmed down instantly. He returned the action,he missed him more than he has missed anyone in his life.He missed him more than jak that's for sure.The hug ended and ratchet looked at him.
"How have you been?and where are we?"
"My hideout..and I kind of knocked you out.."
Ratchet laughed."I don't even care I'm just glad that I found you again."
Jak felt jealous,he just stared at sly.they glared at each other.
Ratchet was saying something but they weren't paying attention.
"He decided to become a thief.." Ratchet stopped talking immediately, he stood with his back to the both.Jak smiled at sly.Sly got very nervous, ratchet turned to look at him.
"Is that what you want?It makes you happy?" Sly looked at ratchet's face you couldn't tell his emotion.He was to serious for his liking.
"Yeah..it does make me happy a lot actually." He looked away.
"Then okay" Sly looked at ratchet and he saw a smile on his face.
"Yeah as long as you're happy then its cool." Ratchet walked to the kitchen.
"If you don't mind,I'm gonna get something to eat."
Sly turned to jak,and it was his turn to smile.
"What was that,that he wouldn't like me being a thief?" Sly smirked."Why can't you be more like him?"
"Because he's too stupid to see threw you..I have my eye on you and if you try to do something to him or the others..I.will.end.you." Sly got scared,what happened to his childhood friend? Sly shook the feeling and went after ratchet.
"Wait for me pal!" Sly smiled.
Daxter got on Jak's shoulder.
"Keep an eye on him dax.."

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