Curiousity killed the lombax but satisfaction brought it back

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Bentley and Murray ran in the hideout screaming for ratchet,fearing the something bad happened to the lombax also.They were relieved when he ran downstairs.
"What?what happened?" Ratchet asked.
"Sly!something happened to him!" Murray said.
"We are going to go look for sly" the turtle said grabbing some supplies.
"I will go with them ratchet." Clank walked outside with Murray.
"Please ratchet if anything bad happens contact us." The turtle handed ratchet a binocucom.
"Also lock all the door, call us if sly comes back!" The turtle left and ratchet closed the door.
With a sigh he looked around.
I guesguess I could go look through their things. Ratchet knew that Bentley and Murray were working on something suposably it was something important.
It wouldn't hurt to look.
The golden lombax went down to the basement and turned on the lights.
Not bad..
He looked at the desks filled with tools and papers.But something caught his eye amongst other things. It was a small book,ratchet without thinking opened the book and started reading.After reading a few pages ratchet came to realization that it was sly's journal.
"Well well sly looks like I found your diary..lets see if you know what Bentley and Murray are up to down here." He continued reading and he indeed found an answer.
"A time machine?!" That's amazing, how could they build one?
He had to found those plans!
But once he finished building or even if he successfully built one..where would he go?
To find his father...or perhaps his mother.
Ratchet sat on a stool thinking.He didn't need to think,this might be his only chance to meet his parents and kind.He wasnt just going to throw that away!
After searching what felt like hours for the plans he finally found the plans.He understood them perfectly and started scavenging for materials.
He ran upstairs and found the last of the materials,He smiled.
I'm going to meet them!Everyone!I can't believe it!
He ran back downstairs and started building.After hours of building,he finally finished.All he needed to do was add something from that time period, he guessed that his fur would do.The golden lombax was about to put his fur in but something stopped him.
It was sly's journal on the floor,he sighed.
"Curiosity killed the lombax.." He grabbed the book and started reading again.
He didn't know that sly saw his parents die.. It must have been horrible to see that at such a young age.
He looked at the time machine, then at the book.
"Mom and dad you're gonna have to wait." He went back upstairs and looked around.
Ah-ha that will do! He grabbed a picture of sly and his parents and ran back downstairs. He placed it in the machine and the portal lead up,he looked in and saw a house.
"Curiousity killed the lombax but satisfaction brought it back." He grabbed his wrench and jumped into the portal.

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