Lets find him

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Ratchet ran around the hideout, freaking out even more.
His dad and clank were gone!
Where could they have gone?
"Guys!" Ratchet ran downstairs,the others looked at him.
"I can't find my dad and clank!" They all got up and started talking.
"Jak you go and walk around the city and try to find them." Bentley pointed at him and he just nodded.
"Murray you stay with sly..Connor you have to go back to your time period." Connor looked at him with shock. "No I can help,I'll go with jak."
Bentley sighed. "Fine."

Connor ran outside with jak.
"You only said you would come with me so you can spend more time with your son." Jak looked at connor.
Connor looked at the ground.
"It's alright..if I had a son I would understand." Connor smiled at jak.

At the great clock..
"This is amazing!" Kaden ran around and sigmund chased him.
"Sir! Please don't touch that!" Sigmund sat kaden down and sighed.
"Sigma you gotta show me how to work it."
"It sigmund sir and I can't show you how it works."
Kaden's ears went down.
"Why not?"
"Because sir you have to work here."
Kaden's ears went back up and he smiled.
"Problem fixed I work here now!"
Sigmund looked at him surprised.
"Sir!..fine..follow me."

Kaden couldn't believe what orvus worked on it was all so amazing!
He looked at a screen that would play different memories or different people. One man catched his attention,He name was damas.

He honestly didn't know why but he just watched his memories play over and over.He had a child that's all he knew about the man,and something must have went wrong because later in his life the kid was no where to be found.

"Hey sigmund,what happened to the kid?" Sigmund looked at him and blinked.
"Don't know sir." Kaden smiled.
"Let's find out then?" Sigmund nodded.
"I've finished my duties so I can help you for some time."

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