The orvus chamber

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Kaden woke up with such a headache, they hear two voices that sounded so far away. He blinked a couple of times and sat up as the voice grew nearer.
"Kaden are you alright?" He looked over and at his side he saw clank and sigmund.

"Yeah how long have I been out..?" He rubbed his eyes.
"I hate to say this sir but you have been out for a whole month." Sigmund said as he fixed the bandages around his head.
"A month?!" Both of the robots nodded and clank patted his hand.

"It is alright kaden.."
"What happened while I was unconscious?"
Clank hesitated but responded.
"Dr.nefarious has taken over the clock.." Sigmund cut in.
"We were about to go to the orvus chamber."

Kaden stood up and shook his head.
"Well lets go then whoever this nefarious person is we have to stop him."
That wasn't all kaden needed to do,be had to find jak and tell him about his past.

Kaden looked around the clock seeing how much destruction nefarious has made.
He was looking forward to bring this guy down where ever he was.

After fixing a few things around the clock they managed to get to the orvus chamber. They stood outside of the chamber as sigmund gave this really over exaggerated speech about it.

Kaden chuckled,but soon sigmund's speech was cut short due to him hearing a voice that he wished wasn't who he thought it was.

"Kaden?" He froze.

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