Dont feed my son lies.

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They got back to the hideout and Murray put the sack down.
"Have no fear the Murray will hold the lombax down while you ask him questions." Jak smiled.
"I think we can handle him Murray.." He opened the sack,and before he can say anything else he was tackled to the ground.
Bentley screamed along with daxter.
Ratchet tried to kick the lombax but it was no use.Until the Murray came along and picked up the lombax like nothing.
"Let me go!" The lombax screamed,kaden walked in and saw the lombax struggling.
Suddenly memories were flooding his mind...
"Alister?" The other lombax stopped struggling and looked at kaden.
"Wait you two know each other?" Ratchet asked surprised.
"Yes..we do know each other."

After a while of the lombax talking they found out his name was Alister azimuth.Ratchet seemed so interested in this new friend of theirs.
But kaden on the other hand felt angry. That angry grew once Alister started telling his son..HIS son about the great clock.
How dare he come back and talk to my son,telling him those lies! After all he our wife died because of his betrayal!

Kaden walked outside,he needed some fresh air to calm himself down.
Looks like that wasn't going to happen because Alister followed right behind.
"It's good to see you again kaden." Alister began.
"Mhm." Kaden was trying to hide his angry but he just couldn't.
"Don't talk to my son..." Alister looked at him.
"But why?"
"You think I have forgotten what you did?! To our my family!"
"I..I'm sorry kaden..I just thought that.."
"You thought wrong.. Also what you said about the great clock back there,don't say a word about it to my son or anyone in there!"
It was Alister's turn to get angry.
"Why?!This is out chance to bring our kind back!"
"You can't fix your mistake Alister! The great clock isn't a time built to keep time!" Kaden was about to walk back inside but stopped.
"Don't feed my son lies...and don't talk to him either because if you do I will kill you.And I'll do it in front of everyone if I have to,so its best if you leave." Alister was left feeling anger and regret.

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