Fixing mistakes

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After some searching through time,kaden figured out that the boy's name was Mar. Strange name but he wanted to know more.
What happened to him? Why isn't he with his father?
"Sir I found out more about the boy."
Kaden ran over to sigmund.
"I found out that later on in life,he was put in the orphanage."
"How did he end up there?" Sigmund shruged.
"Don't know sir,but he was there with two boys. Their names are ratchet and sly."
Wait..that means that Mar is..mar is jak!

"Sigmund I have to get out of here!now!" Sigmund was confused by the sudden change. He thought that he was excited to be here.
"Where's clank?" The red robot looked at kaden.
"Who's clank?" Kaden feared for the worst.
Did those creatures take him somewhere else?
He was about to tell sigmund something but he was suddenly knocked out. This caused sigmund to scream.
"W-what are you doing?" He asked the other robot that knocked out kaden.
"I'm taking the great clock.."
"W-what your n-name?"
The robot smirked.
"You can call me nefarious."

Alister and ratchet walked around the city,After he finished talking about this clock he was excited,To meet his people.
"General I want to find this clock,and I'm sure my father would be happy to hear about the clock!" Ratchet said with a big smile.
"Ratchet...your father doesn't want to go through this plan.." Ratchet's smile faded.
"What? Why?" The general put his hand on his shoulder.
"It seems that he cares more about himself. He has lost all sense,he isn't a lombax anymore ratchet." Ratchet looked at the ground.
"Then lets stop looking for him and go find the clock." Alister smiled.
"I'll get everything ready!" Ratchet started walking back to the hideout.
The general smirked.
"I'm glad I can finally fix my mistakes.."

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