Senior caretaker

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Kaden woke up and stretched,to hear a scream. He looked to see where it came from to see a red robot run behind a machine.

"Um..hello?" Kaden said as he stood up. "I'm not gonna hurt you lad." The red robot peeked to look at the lomabx. Kaden smiled at him and waved. Which caused the robot go scream again.

"Back up I know kung fu!" He said as he made poses and it cause kaden to laugh.
"Alright i'll back up." He looked around.
"I'm kaden." He said looking back at the robot.
"Im sigma 0462A,I am senior caretaker here in the great clock." Kaden looked at him.
"The great clock? You have to tell me everything sigma!" Kaden pulled him by the arm as he ran outside to look around. "Wow!" He smiled and looked at the robot.
"Show me everything!" He said with a big grin.

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