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Ratchet woke up with a major headache.
This time traveling thing isn't as fun as I thought..
He sat up,looking around.
He was in a house,it wasn't half bad.And the couch that he was laying on was comfy,he was busy looking around to not even notice the person sitting next to him.
"Did you have a nice sleep?" Ratchet jumped a little looking at the person.
S-sly? No it can't be him this man is way older than sly.
"You look a little scared" he chuckled."Maybe it would make you feel better if I introduced myself,I'm Connor.. Connor Cooper."
The golden lombax tried to talk but he couldn't find his voice.He calmed down and spoke.
"I'm ratchet" Connor smiled.
"That's a strange name..but I like it"
That's the exact same thing sly said when I met him.
"What are you thinking about?"
Ratchet wondered if he should tell him, he didn't have much of a choice.
"You might think I'm crazy but I know your son." Connor didn't take to kindly to hear that a stranger knew his son,Connor pointed a pocket knife at his nose.
"No no! Wait I'm from the future."
"If you know my son prove it!"
"He's a thief,has a cane,and his real name is Sylvester!" Connor was astonish by what he knew.He put the knife down,and looked at ratchet straight in the eyes.
"Why are you here?"
Ratchet choked back the fear of saying the wrong thing.
"So he could see you one last time.."
Connor looked more angry.
"What do you mean?"
"You and his mother are going to die protecting him!And he's going to see every minute of it!" Connor's anger faded.He..was going to die?
Connor sighed and went upstairs, and went to his room.He woke up his wife and told her everything.
"Go see our son love." His wife said kissing his cheek.
"I'll keep him safe for now." She smiled rubbing her stomach,he nodded and grabbed his cane.
He grabbed his cloak that had a hood and put in on.Connor went back with ratchet and nodded.
"Take me to my son."

The thief,The believer,and The warriorWhere stories live. Discover now