A trap

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Ratchet and Connor sat in the car in silence. Haven city seemed like a depressing place to live,and everyone that lived here seemed gloomy.The thievius raccoonus sat on his lap wrapped in a cloth.Connor didn't even notice it,he just wondered what he was going to tell his son when he saw him.An hour passed and they got to the place,ratchet looked up at it.
"This is it?" Connor said and ratchet nodded.
"I was hoping for something better looking.." Ratchet got out of the car and Connor did the same,They walked inside and looked around.This place looked like some kind of laboratory or more like a jail.
Ratchet saw erol and he turned to face them.
"Do you have it?" Ratchet nodded and handed him the book,erol smiled.
"You got your book now free them.."
"And if I say no?" Ratchet heard Connor struggling, he turned to see Connor being held down.
"Connor!" He was about to run and help him but someone knocked him out. The men grabbed them and dragged them,a man walked in.
"We got you more test subjects,baron.." The man known as baron praxis smiled.
"Wonderful put them with the other three."
"Oh also I have some bad news..the green one named qwark escaped." Baron sighed.
"Forget him..he's useless anyways."

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