What the hell are you?

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Connor didn't like this at all,first they turn in this book and then they're being thrown in a cell.And now he sat thinking.
He saw his son,He and the green haired on were clearly scared for ratchet's life.The one that looked like ratchet was pacing,a worried look on his face.
He sighed and stood up.
"We can't just sit here we have to get out of here." Connor whispered,he looked down the hall to see some guards.
"Alright you two." He pointed to sly and jak.
"Hide and you." He pointed to kaden.
"Help me get the guards attention." They all nodded.Connor and kaden began to scream for help,the two guards walked up to the cell door and hit it.
"Quite!idiots!" The man said,but they continued screaming for help after finally they opened the door and stepped in.
"What is the prob-" jak and sly both grabbed the guards and knocked them out.Kaden and Connor searched the guards,and jak picked up ratchet.
"Let's move." Kaden said,they all nodded and started running checking around corners to make sure no one was there.Everything was going fine until they heard an alarm go off,they all looked every where. The weasel creature has escaped its cage please catch it. Jak knew exactly who the woman was talking about.
Nice job dax! They continued running until they came to an exit and ran into an abandoned house.
"I'm gonna go be a look out" kaden said and Connor followed.
"I'll help."

Ratchet woke up,hours later he sat up and rubbed his eyes.Jak and sly both ran to his side.
"Where are we?" Ratchet asked confused.
"Somewhere safe..for now" jak said as looked to see if he had any injury. Luckly he didn't but sly had a question.He stood up and layed against a wall.
"How did you find us?"
"It was easy,I just gave that erol dude a book and then he knocked me out."
A book? Sly looked at the ground.
"What was that book called?"
"Oh it was called..um..the thievius raccoonus.. I think or something around there." Sly felt anger,uncontrollable anger.
Calm down sly..calm down..I have been looking for that book!It was the last thing I have left of my family!And you just gave it to some stranger!
Jak helped ratchet up and ratchet looked at sly.
"Sly you're shivering..are you alright?" Sly's nails grew longer,his eyes turned red,something wasn't right.Sly ran up to ratchet,jak tried to stop him but he pushed him to the ground.Sly tackled ratchet to the ground and started strangling him.
"S-sly...sly...stop!" Ratchet said.Jak got back on his feet and ran towards sly trying to stop him.Sly has screaming something in some kind of language.Neither jak or ratchet understood,Connor and kaden heard what was going on and they ran to them.Connor froze up,his son was killing someone.
Kaden was fast to react and tried to get sly off,when this didn't work he remembered that he picked up a gun from the guards they knocked out.
Kaden took out his gun and pointed it at sly's head,Connor took off his hood and ran up to sly.
"No!don't shoot!" He grabbed sly's face.
"Sly you have to listen to me!you are killing him!"
Father? Is that..is that you? Sly instantly let go of ratchet.Tears started rolling down ratchet's cheeks as he fainted.
Kaden took ratchet into his arms and he hugged him,He looked back at sly.
"What the hell are you?" Sly backed away a little trying to process what just happened.

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