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Murray seemed a little to excited to see space,he acted like a child at Disney Land.
Jak sighed and looked at ratchet
"What's the plan?" He asked him as he stretched.
"Well qwark heard that this lombax was on planet torren iv.So we go there and find him."
"What if he doesn't like us?"
"Then we go home and eat cake!" Murray said with a big grin.

Much later they got to torren.
"Guys this planet isn't what I was expecting." Murray said as he looked around.They walked around and talked to some people,asking about the lombax.They found out that they needed to get to volgram pass.
"Why don't we split up and look around this place?" Jak said,they all agreeded and went their own ways.

Murray unfortunately was the one to find entrance to the hollow.After chasing after those weird little robots..or battery bots,he got entrance into volgram pass.
Maybe I should call ratchet and jak..
But then again 'the murray' was strong what's the worst thing this lombax can do?

Ratchet and jak eventually went to find each.
"Have you seen Murray?"
"No..I have been trying to call him but its no use."
Ratchet sighed.
"We shouldn't have let him go out there by himself.." He said pinching the bridge of his nose.
"But why not? The Murray has found the lombax." Ratchet and jak turned to look a Murray to see him carrying a large sack.
"He's in..there?"
"Yeah he wanted to kill I had to inprovise.."
Jak tried not to laugh.
"Um..great job lets go back him..then we'll see what to do with him.."

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