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Kaden had been searching for hours, for this man. Connor also was helping him but he wasn't much help. He was thankful to have him searching with him but..it was strange that the jak's FRIENDS didn't accompany him.

They made their way through the village, looking for their target.

"This is going to be impossible.. Maybe we should ask some of the people..?" Connor suggested.

"We don't need to do that.."

"Okay, now we are just starting to act like a married couple." The comment made Kaden chuckle.

"Well, this guy must be really important."

"True..wasn't jak some sort of prince?"

They looked at each other, "that means we have to look for the king!"

Connor looked around and pointed at a huge building. "That one."

"How do you know?"

"In the center of the village..huge..looks important.. If I wanted to steal something that's the place where I would go."

Kaden stared at connor, "huh..good job."

"Thanks..now let's get going."

They began to walk to the building, once there the guards stopped them from passing through.

"No passing through.. The king isn't expecting visitors at this time."

"We have very important news..please it won't be lo-"

The guard took a step forward. "We already said no."

Connor sighs and pulls kaden by the arm.

"What are you doing? That our only way in..!" He whisper yells.

"What do you do when you are locked out of an important place?"

Kaden blinks, "you..sneak in or in this case break in."

"Exactly. And I already found a perfect place to climb." He pointed to a window.

"..you do realize we need to cross a huge wall..then sneak past guards?"

"Oh I do.." Connor smiles as he looks around, he starts climbing and in no time is over the wall. "Come on kaden!"

The lombax sighed and climbed the wall slowly, he was never good at climbing. In fact, he was afraid of heights.

Connor had to catch the man or else he wasn't getting down from the wall.

"I hate you right now.." Kaden mumbled.

The raccoon rolled his eyes as he continued making his way through the castle. Along the way, they took out guards and made sure to not alarm anyone. Taking out guards was only if they needed to.

In no time, the duo came to the throne room. They opened the door and peeked in. The king was sitting at his throne.

"What's the meaning of this? I thought I told the guards I didn't want to see anyone to-"

"We have information about your son, Mar!"

Kaden blinked. "Getting right to the point..I see.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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