Wait you aren't ratchet

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"Sly wake up.."
Sly opened his eyes and saw jak looking down at him.He groaned not feeling that great, sly stood up and looked around. They were in a weird cell,pretty big and dark.
"Where are we?" Sly asked.
"Haven city." Jak looked at the raccoon.
"You okay? Your eyes don't look so good." Sly blinked and was confused.
"What's wrong with my eyes?"
"They're...re-" They heard a noise like someone walking up to them.It was coming from the darkness.
"Who's there?" Sly looked for his cane but he couldn't find it.Someone walked out of the darkness.
Oh god its just ratchet!
He walked up to the lombax.
"Ratchet I'm glad that you're okay."
"Sly that's no-"  But it was to late,the lombax grabbed sly by the shirt and kicked him where it hurts.Sly just fell to the ground in pain,and jak covered his mouth trying not to laugh.
"That's not ratchet.."
"You think?!" The lombax grabbed sly by the shirt.
"Wait!wait! Don't hurt m-"
"Who's ratchet?" The guy said.
"A friend that a lombax also and you look exactly like you." He looked at him. The man helped him up and looked at him.
"I believe we got off on the wrong foot..I am sorry for hurting you." Sly nodded.
Jak looked at the man.
"I'm jak."
"I'm sly,sly cooper"
The man smiled.
"You kids can call me kaden."

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