The final battle

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Alister got into the main hub of the facility,he was about to fix his mistake. This is what he had been waiting for.
He pulled the lever and the whole clock shook.
Everyone looked around.

Is this the end? Sly thought as he looked around. He looked down at jak and sighed.
Sly closes his eyes wanting to prevent himself from crying. But he couldn't stop himself,he closed his eyes and waited for the end to come.
It wasn't that soon..

"Sly..." Jak looked up at him having some trouble breathing. Sly opened his eyes and smiled.
"Jak? You're alive?" Jak looked around.
"What going on?" The raccoon was about to answer but they heard kaden scream in pain.

"Jak I don't have much time to explain but..stay here we'll come back later ok?" Sly placed his gun next to him just in case. He didn't want to leave jak but he had to fight Alister also.

Sly ran to the orvus chamber and saw Alister. He had his back to him and was on the ground hitting kaden.
Ratchet was on the ground a few feet away trying to stay awake. Sly didn't have much time to think about how to attack Alister and stealth wasn't the answer right now.

Sly ran up to Alister and pulled him by the ears. He had to get him away from kaden for a few minutes so he could get away.
"Let go of me you little.." Alister got his wrench and hit sly across the face knocking him out cold.

Kaden ran up to ratchet helping him up.
"Come on son, we have to take him out." Ratchet shook his head and grabbed his wrench.
"Dad we got some work to do." The two lombax ran up to Alister.

Jak tried to sit up, where was daxter when he needed him? He was in pain,and his heart was slowling down by the minute. But he needed to help his friends be could hear them fighting that son of a bitch.

Jak knew that bastard couldn't be trusted.
Now is not the time to think this! Get up jak! Get up! He stood up slowly and grabbed his chest.
He looked down at his gun,He wasn't know to be a murder. He wasn't known to be a hero either. Where he was from he was a monster,a nobody.

"This nobody is someone...and I know what I have to do." He grabbed his gun and ran as fast as he could go to where he heard them fighting.

Jak looked around to see ratchet and kaden keeping Alister distracted. He ran towards sly and checked if he was alright. But besides his nose being broken the raccoon was fine.

He looked around and saw a red robot was preparing to attack Alister. This attack was a failure since Alister just threw the robot back causing some damage.
What do I do?! Jak's eyes went to the middle of the room,where he saw the lever. He ran up to it and tried to pull it back in place. He heard Alister yell "what are you doing?!" But he continued trying to pull the lever as kaden was holding Alister back.
"Come...on.." He fell back and looked at the lever in his hands.
I broke it!

He saw a bright light shoot up in the sky,and he heard the computer say "Thirty seconds until totally system failure." Jak stood up,knowing that what he just did screwed them up even more.

"It's not working! Why isn't it working?!" Kaden punched Alister,getting sick of his shit.
"Because its not a time machine,Alister! The clock isn't meant to alter time,only keep it!"

Jak began to panick.
"What do we d-" he looked at alister's wrench, he ran up to it and picked it up. He pushed ratchet out of the way as he tried to get close to the light.

"Mar what are you doing?!" Kaden looked at jak.
Jak turned to look at the lombax.
He sighed and smashed Alister's wrench were the lever was before. He tried to push it back but it was to hard for him.
Alister ran up to help him.

The last thing jak saw was a bright flash.His ears were everything went dark.

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