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Connor looked around,Paris hasn't changed a bit.Jak was really much of a talker,he would often ask him to spilt up,maybe he didn't want him here.

Besides that he wanted to know more about the man.He was quiet and a loner he knew that something must have happened in his past. He cleared his throat.
"What?" Jak looked at the raccoon.
How did he know he was going to ask him something?!
"You act like sly and whenever sly wants to ask something personal he clears his throat." The raccoon smiled.
"Well I was going to ask something.."

Jak stared at him with a serious face and that made Connor a little nervous.
"Who are your parents?" Jak continued walking. Connor was about to apologize but jak responsed with a "I don't know."

"Well who raised you then?"
"I was in a orphanage for sometime until my uncle adopted me." Connor followed behind jak.
"And is your real name jak?"
My real name... Jak stopped walking and looked at the ground.
"Yes..." Connor knew that it was a lie but decided to now question it more.

Back at the hideout..
Ratchet didn't have a job so he took murray's,since murray needed to fix the van.He was concerned for the raccoon,ever since sly almost killed him he refused to talk to him. Even look at him,so it would be nice to talk to him again. Like friends.

Ratchet knocked on the door,to hear no response from sly. He opened the door to see how dark it was.
"Sly?" He walked inside and saw him sitting on his bed with his back to him.

"It's so dark in here.." He opened the curtains and turned to look at sly with a smile.
"Are you okay pal?" Sly just looked at his lap.
"Come on you can't just stay in her-"
"Leave.." Ratchet ears went a bet down.
"Sly I understand what happened bu-"
Sly looked at him.
"Leave now.." Ratchet sighed and walked out the room.

He went to sit outside and he jumped a bit when someone grabbed his shoulder.
He turned to see Alister. "You alright?" Ratchet nodded.
"Yeah,what's up?" Alister smiled and sat next to ratchet.
"I came to talk to you about something important."
"What is it?"
"I came to talk to you about the great clock."

The thief,The believer,and The warriorWhere stories live. Discover now