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"A women named keira is looking for you." Jak just stared at the piece of paper.He couldn't believe it after two years she was still looking for him.Sly smiled and walked away,he felt like something bad was going to happen but what if she was looking for him?and whoever this was she seemed to be pretty close to jak.Sly heard ratchet yawn from the other room.Sly walked into the room,to see Murray and Bentley talking to Ratchet.They were laughing and sly couldn't help but smile.But something came to mind.Should he tell ratchet?
"Hey sly is something bothering you?" Sly looked at ratchet and gave him a fake smile.
"No everything is alright" ratchet's smile faded,he saw through him like he used to when they were kids.
"Alright..well I'm gonna go sleep for awhile see you in the morning." He walked away,Murray and Bentley said goodnight with a smile.
The next day sly showed ratchet around the city.Jak of course had to come along,and every now and then ratchet would turn around and tell jak to hurry.Ratchet walked ahead and jak walked next to sly.
"I..I wanted to say thank you" Sly glanced at jak then looked at the ground.
"For?" Sly asked,he really didn't know why he was saying thank you.
"For finding out about keira and bringing a smile to ratchet's face,he obviously likes this city alot." He smiled. "But don't start thinking that we're friends,and just because I'm leaving to go find keira doesn't mean I'm going to stop looking out for ratchet." Not with this again.
"Well same..you don't trust me and I don't trust you" Ratchet pulled them both. "You guys are so slow!" In the afternoon jak left with Daxter.
"Ah hey jak you think you shouldn't tell the others you're leaving?" Jak continued walking.
"No dax everything is going to be fine." Daxter looked at him.
"You say things like that and things always go bad!" Jak smiled and continued walking.He knew that whatever was there he could handle it.Jak and daxter got to the place,it was a house.Jak knocked but noticed that the door was open.He opened it slightly and looked in,all he could see was darkness. He walked in slowly and looked around.Jak saw the same man that sly saw. "Hello jak" the man said with a smile.
"Erol!" Jak reacted to late and everything went black.

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