I forgive you

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Jak sat at in the living room by himself. The others have gone out and he was in charge in taking care of sly.He didn't want to do it since he knew that did they the same thing they did to him. But he hasn't told the others the only one that know of it was daxter.

He sat there in silence just listening to the clock on the wall tick.
Should I check on sly? He knew that the raccoon stayed quiet in his room but it was to quiet. He stood up about to go to sly's room until he heard a knock on the front door.

He went to the door and answered it,he was surprised to see sly.
"Sly?why did you leave?" He was about to get angry until he realized the raccoon was hurt. He grabbed sly by the arm and pulled him inside,he closed the door and sat him down on the couch. He went to get the first aid kit and sat next to sly on the couch.

He was going to patch him up but sly was hugging a book to his chest.
"Sly..but the book down." Jak grabbed the book and sly slapped his hands away. Jak sighed and forcefully pulled the book away from him. Sly punched jak and this sent him flying backwards.

Sly stood up about to do more damage until he saw Jak's nails growing.
"They did the same thing to you..." Jak looked up at the raccoon, and sighed calming down.
"Yes...don't tell the others." Sly helped jak up and sly sat back on the couch. This time he let him patch him up.
"Why did you leave?" Jak looked at sly.
"I had to kill somebody and get my book back."
Did he kill erol?

After jak finished patching him up,they both sat in silence.
Jak knew that it was about time he told him this..
"Sly,I'm sorry." The raccoon moved his ears and stared at jak.
"For?" Jak gave him a really face and smiled.
"I shouldn't have spoken to you that way,I knew that you came from a long line of thieves and..you were just doing something your father wanted you to do." Sly just stared at jak.
"I sometimes care about myself to much,I was angry and I had to get it out on someone." Jak looked at his lap.
"Angry at what they did to you?" Sly asked.
"That...and how everyone looked up at you." Sly was surprised.
Everyone looks up at me?
"You're a hero,and people aren't scared of you. Things are different with me. When so many people fear you its hard to just call yourself a hero." Sly wanted to put his hand on his shoulder but he wondered if jak would let him.
"And you know your real name and family...you have so much more than me along with ratchet.." Tears ran down Jak's face. Sly stood up fast.
"No!no its okay don't cry!" He took off his scarf and started cleaning his face. Jak chuckled and smiled.
"Sorry sorry..I'm fine."
Sly pulled jak into a hug.
"I forgive you pal."

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