I dont like the feeling of this

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They made their way back to sly's hideout, all the way sly wasn't feeling the greatest.Sly glanced at kaden and he saw him petting ratchet.
I didn't mean to do anything to him..I was just angry.. He started shivering,connor placed a hand on sly's shoulder.
"Why are you here?you're supposed to be dead."
"Your friend ratchet helped me come here and see you for one last time." Connor rubbed sly's back.
"And considering the fact of what you just did back there,it looks like you need my help." Sly's nails began to grow.
"I can't control it.."
"Just a little more sly please..I know you can do it." Jak stared at sly.
Should I tell him that,that happens to me also?

When they got to the hideout,Connor helped sly to his room.Bentley and Murray went to check on him while they waited for sly to wake up.
Jak put ratchet on the couch and kaden looked at him.
After a few minutes ratchet woke up and he sat up.
"It's nice to see you up" ratchet turned to see kaden,he jumped.
Ratchet hugged kaden.
"H-how are you still alive?"
"You actually think I would let tachyon kill me?" Ratchet laughed.
Murray ran downstairs,hugging the both of them.(more like crushed them.)
"Guys! They told me what happened are you alright?!" Jak walked up to them and Murray instantly started hugging him also.
"Murray... You're killing us..." He dropped them.
"Sorry I get a little carried away." Murray scratched the back of his neck.
"Oh Hi I'm Murray" he said as he looked at kaden.
"Kaden nice to meet you." He put his hand out and Murray shook it.
"Either way we got some news ratchet!"
"What kind of news?"
"Your green friend..the one called qwark said that when he was captured he heard about something about one of your kind."
One of my kind..another lombax?
"Another lombax?" Ratchet said surprised.
"Yeah we were gonna ask you to go look for him with jak and sly..But I don't think sly feels to good to go."
Ratchet looked at kaden then at Murray.
"Yeah lets go look for him and Murray I want you to go help us." Murray smiled.
Kaden looked at the ground.
I don't like the feeling of this..

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