We continue to live

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Ratchet opened his eyes,and blinked a couple of times. The flash of light blinded the lombax for a few seconds.
He stood up to thank jak for stopping Alister. But that all changed when ratchet saw jak on the fall. They did everything to try to save him.

Sly stood in the back watching ratchet,kaden,sigmund, and clank do everything in order to save jak.
"We have to take him to the hospital.." Ratchet pleaded.
"Son,its to late." Kaden grabbed his son by the arm. Ratchet's ears went down as he started to cry.

-ratchet's pov-
A year has passed since jak died. The last thing me and sly did was destroy nefarious' base. After that he refused to speak a single word to me. We gave both jak and Alister a proper funeral.
Sly showed up,with his friends but daxter was nowhere to be found.

We tried looking everywhere for daxter,to find no sign of him. I would understand why he would leave,but I'm starting to suspect that maybe something bad happened to him. Clank went to see sly the other day since he talks to him.
All he said was that he was fine and needed some time alone.

I guess we all need sometime alone,and after what we been through I don't know if we're still friends. But I stay strong for all of my friends. And I continue being the hero this universe needs. With the help of my father and clank,we continue to live on with our lives.

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