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The eyes that can't melt the metal of my heart are not what my heart desires.


Opening my eyes I  looked around to find people chattering in excited tones as the plane was approaching its landing.
I looked outside the window and couldn't believe I'll  be in Korea soon.

Giddiness and delight churned in my stomatch and I smiled to myself, can't remain sad forever now can I ?

My musings were put to a sudden hault as the plane went under horrific turbulence, lights were blinking like crazy, people shouted and looked around in hopeless frenzy.

Something was off, I tried to focus entirely on pilot cabin to hear what was happening,
it was difficult considering how chaotic the surroundings have become.
Nonetheless I caught a few words like ' engine failure' and 'accident', distress was apparent in their voices as well.
It was enough to put me to action,
I'll need to help.

Bracing myself I kicked the door open and jumped out, the suden impact made me wince but nothing I can't handle, rushing towards the tires on the super speed i could muster I realised i'll need to make haste , it was in straight trajectory of another vehicle.

Grabbing the tyres I pulled with my might,
my feet and hands felt molten and my muscles a jittery pack of aching strands.
The strain was huge, but I had to stop it.
The plain slowed down and finally came to a hault, people were clustering around now , chattering excitedly.

I took a huge breadth, with my feet quivering and my body coverd with sweat I turned around, everyone was staring in my direction , everything was a haze but one face remained clear and luminous as moon in the sky. 

I  walked off towards the building to retrieve my stuff and to finally be away from scrutiny.
I definately entered this place with a bang, not necessarily what I was expecting but oh well a bang nonetheless.
laughing on myself I moved forward leaving people stunned and confused.


I had finally reached the flat where I was going to stay temporarily.
Quickly changing into something comfortable I climbed in bed, I was beyond tired at this point, but my mind decided to replay that face again I had seen in the crowd.

Clad in all black he was sharp and lithe like a knife and taller then birch trees back at home, his eyes were different , swirling with questions , amazement, disbelief and desire at the same time.
He had the nerve to smirk at me.
what threw me off was the intensity his eyes held, like he could't look away,  as if he was beckoning me closer.

I don't understand what his deal was but there was definately something dark and luring about him, something dangerous.
I had just scoffed and walked off but before reaching the building I  had a sudden urge to see back if he was still looking and indeed he was waiting for me to look back.
He had laughed then.

Anyways the airport security has confiscated some of my stuff and that officer was sweet as well Gan i seek, odd name but cute.
I'll need to meet him tomorrow.
I wish I'll  find my parents soon enough.

With one last look at the clock I closed my eyes already missing Mongolia and my parents.

Any thoughts??

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