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'Meet me'
At her daring words, a storm erupted in his body and soul.

Events of today already had been a test of his patience, specially when she had stood before him in his office.
It had become insufferable, facing her after knowing everything.

He had consumed the drug to face her, he didn't know if he could without it.
It was not because of strength but his scattered emotions.

Drug had channeled all his pain to only one emotion he needed the most. Anger.

What had driven him almost insane was still a breathing part in his mind, nudging him towards her, whispering as to how the girl standing infront couldn't be that sly.

He had just used her true name but couldn't find satisfaction in her reaction.
On the contrary she had accused him.
What was this?

He chuckled, suppressing the rising pain.

A cold fire was dancing around his horizon, threatning to consume him in a fit of madness.

She had the audacity to act still? Why was there something tender in her voice?
His mind begged him to not be a fool again.

'Let me ask you this one last time'
Putting forth an iron voice was not enough to keep his body from shuddering like a flickering light, that was about to be doused any second.

'Did you purposefully seeked work at Dogoo?'
His heart could burst any moment.

Her answer was short and crisp, without an ounce of emotion.

'Did you lie about your identity to investigate me?'
He listened closely for any sign of a person she once use to be.

'I did'
Again the monotony of her voice, mutilated his senses.

For a moment he was struck by a shameful thought.
It would have been better if he didn't know.

'What was the purpose?'

'To investigate you and collect all the evidence'
He couldn't understand the sadness in her voice, he would not.

This is what it had become, he couldn't trust anymore.
Her or anyone.

The thought punched him like a huge blast of fire, making him instantly furious.

'Was this all a lie?'
He felt ashamed of how feeble and pleading his voice echoed, aggravating him further.

No. This is what he wanted to hear from her lips,  even if it was a lie.
This was what she had reduced him to, he though with disgust.

'You have the audacity to ask this Ryu shi-oh?'

'Gang Namsoon'
He screamed out of his senses.
How dare she?

The venom and cold judgement in her voice, jarred him for a second.

From Shio to Ryu Shi-oh.

Agony rose like an old nightmare behind his eyes.

'Dont act as if you were the epitome of noble and truth' she said trying to conceal the tears in her voice.
He scoffed at her words.

'You are a liar, weren't you always interested in my powers alone?'

He listened without refuting anything.

It was true in the beginning, but he realised there was no point in arguing now.
He was not answerable to a betrayer like herself.

'What would you do? Would you send hooligans after me like you did to my family?'

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