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I dialled Hee-sik's number one more time, getting highly frustrated.
It had been whole night and fairly huge part of the morning as well by now.

The events of last night had gone completely out of control, considering how forward I had conveyed, my feelings  about Ryu shi-oh.

Hee-sik had gone completely still with despair, not knowing what to say.
He had unleashed his anguish then, blaming me for abandoning him and joining the wrong side.
'He is fooling you, you will regret it'

I had tried reasoning with him, making him see shio's  circumstances and how he grew up, I even went so far as to promise that he could change.
He was not a monster how everyone had painted him.

He was not ready to listen to any reason.
'I will tell this to your mother'
this was his final threat.

'Dont cross the limit, thats not your matter, I'll tell her myself'
I couldn't mask the venom in my voice.

'You will regret'
with these final words he had departed, without looking at me and had been avoiding my calls ever since.

I made my way to my office, a lot of work was pending today.
Wincing slightly, I sat down on my chair, shaking off my jacket.
A sharp headache was developing in my head, making it difficult to focus.
Probably because of lack of sleep or maybe stress of how things had spiralled out of control.

My mind went back to the dazzling events of the previous day, I was happy, for gathering courage and embracing him, feeling at peace.
His frame against my own, tall and firm promising like a pillar, on which I could rely.

I couldn't deny my feelings any longer, but there was one more hurdle to cross, just one more and then things would be better.
I needed to talk to him directly about pavel and the drug business.
He wanted freedom not meddle into it further.

And you have to tell  him who you are Gang nam soon.

My chain of thoughts were interrupted by a call.
My eyes brightened seeing the caller ID, it was Shio.

'Tsetseg, please come to my office'

I made my way to his office feeling nervous all of a sudden.
The adventures of the previous day kept playing my mind, rising the heat in my face.
I was sure, I looked like a tomato.

Without knocking I entered with a flourish exclaiming  'Shio!'
But the sight hit me like a huge truck mentally.

Ryu shi-oh sat on the sofa with a smirk and beside him on another sofa sat Hwang gum ju, smiling up at me.
They both looked in my direction, glancing at my outstretched hand and funny expression on my face.

I quickly masked the shock, sobering my stance and returned their smile before moving to join them.
But my heart was racing, making me feel nauseous and my headache was not helping either.
Bowing to both I sat down, scratching my forehead.

'She is my partner, Tsetseg Khan'
Shio said with a proud smile pointing in my direction.

I avoided looking at him and faced mother directly.
What was she doing here? Looking at both of their smiles and calm behaviour one thing was clear, no secrets had been revealed.
Also there was no provokation on mother's side today.
Something was definately off.

'You two together without any conflict yet?'
I said with a smile, bringing out my mother's laughter.

'I think I made a very bad impression on you miss, but rest assured I am on my best behaviour today'
She said slightly bowing her head and offering a dazzling smile to me and then Shio, although I didn't miss a slight tightening of lines around her eyes when she faced him.

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