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I climbed the stairs to my office, making my way up the floors and towards my desk.
There was some work due.
Reaching my desk, I sat down looking around, it was already vacated.

Outside, the sun had already sunk, painting the evening in the hues of blue, black and Twilight.

I had lied to Hee-sik.
He knew I was not telling him everything.

The hurt and disappointment in his eyes felt like a slap.
I didn't want to lie to anyone and yet in the process, I had lied to every single person I cared about.

My phone buzzed.

'Tsetseg, come to my office' shio had messaged.

I ignored it.

I still had work to do besides, the whole drug thing and Hee-sik's disappointment had saddened me.
I'll definitely find a solution, I promised myself and finally put an end to this game of hide and seek.

Apparently, I was so engrossed in the work, I had completely forgotten about his message.

'You don't like being ordered Tsetseg?'

I was pulled out from the work by his mere voice.

He stood behind me with his hands in his pocket, his eyes trained on my face.
His demeanor calm and confident.

'No one likes that shio, I was busy you see, I had to complete this'
I pointed at the computer.

He lowered himself on the chair beside mine,
Smiling. Then looked at the computer, but his question was completely out of place.

'what type of things you like Tsetseg?'
He was hesitant.

I was confused, what did he mean?

'I meant what type of clothes, accessories, food you know those things, you prefer?'
I could see him struggle with words, to make his question clear.

I was still confused but I answered anyways.

'Well I like it simple, I am not a huge fan of clothes neither accessories, I wear what I like and what is important' I added with a laugh, 'I love comfort and well food, you know what I like already'

He nodded thinking deeply.

'why did you ask?' I just wanted to know, he shrugged.

'What about you shio?'
I raised the same question, glancing at the coffee machine at the other end of the room, I really needed one.

'Well I don't care much about it too honestly, I love simple as well, but Tsetseg I can't afford simplicity right now, it feels too far out of reach' he said smiling at the ground.

'Why shio?'

'Because I have to escape something first only then I can think about such things'

He said moving towards the coffee machine and preparing a mug.

He handed me coffee and then again sat down, waiting patiently as I drank it.

'who do you want to escape?'
I whispered now.

'very bad people'
He whispered back, leaning in close.

I savoured the moment unknowingly.
His scent was maddening, I cleared my throat.

'I will help you'
I said sipping my coffee.
So he had noticed I wanted it.
How many other things had he noticed that I didn't?

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