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Sitting on the bed, I pulled my hair with frustration.

It already had been a day.

I still felt slightly nauseous and dazed from the incident that had happened at shio's house.
My mind swam with thousands doubts and fears, though it was idiotic but I felt concerned for him and his security.
Who was that person? What had he been looking for? And most importantly, where was Shio?

I had no choice but wait.

Since the previous day, despite trying multiple times, uncle had informed me that it was impossible to locate him at the moment.
His device was unreachable and with it were his whereabouts as well.

I tried racking my brains, to find a solution for everything but it was proving difficult considering how shaken I was, not just from the prior adventure with that shadowed figure but also because of the conversation with Ryu Si-Oh mainly.

There was this anger again beginning to take shape in my body again, at this thought.
What exactly was wrong with me?
Even in this hour, this crisis, I was thinking about his security, his perception of me.

For a moment, I had been tempted to ask him about all the lies he had told me, all the virtual promises he had made, only to sacrifice them most brutally.

I did not want to admit what I actually had felt for him. Why should I? When everything was lost already, when he had revealed what exactly he thought of me.
When he knew about me now and Who I was.

Gang namsoon.
The sound of this name produced the hate that I had never imagined and burned my heart.

There was nothing left now other than duties, morals and pity.

I sighed looking at the phone screen. There were a couple of missed calls from Hee-sik which I had completely ignored.
I didn't know what to tell him.
He knew I had been to the antidote lab and wanted the exact location and information on it.

Why even now I couldn't trust Hee-sik was beyond me. There was still a part of me that did not want to share anything related to Dogoo or Shio with anyone.

I could trust mother, I knew she won't reveal anything without involving me but I just couldn't expect this from Hee-sik and it was given his occupation, his duties and his motives.

How could I expect a police officer from the drug investigation unit to see the ceo of Dogoo with a shade of empathy? Specially after knowing his real business.
He had lost someone important too and it was his job to abide by laws and duty which was above personal wants and feelings.

Hee-sik was doing his job.

I removed my jacket and walked to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. The mental and physical exhaustion was taking a toll on me.
I felt constantly torn between right and wrong, who to trust and most importantly who to confide everything into.

I hadn't told the entire truth to anyone.

Another thing that plagued my mind was the drug that had been distributed to the masses. Even if they caught Ryu Si-Oh and punished him, it wouldn't do much damage.

After all the organisation that was pulling all the strings was Pavel.
If there was something needed to be done, it was to tackle and destroy that evil organization.

The question was how.

I turned on the news to see what exactly was going on the media and internet. It was filled with two names Hwang gum ju and Ryu Si-Oh.
There was a debate going on as to who was right and who was the pretender or maybe both were in league to do something illegal after putting on a good show of rivalry.

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