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'What do you prefer we do about hairtail? Police is going to investigate him! What if he opened his mouth? We will be finished!'
The petrified voice of Madam kim of heritage club rang cold and sharp in Ryu shio's office, which now was occupied by her and the owner himself.

'Do you think I am that mindless?'
Ryu shio replied with unnatural calmness as he sat on lush sofa, being scrutinised by the immobile and silent figure of Madam kim, standing beside him, looking hopeless and grim.

'He is loyal, he won't open his mouth'
His mind kept going back to the concept of loyalty Pavel had seared in its prisoners.
Traitors were to be executed while the ones who were caught were to suicide.

Not leaking the illegal information came first than the life of innocents.

He had learnt to deal with this, to know what awaited him.
He was not trusted as well, but they were not comming for the moment, after him as he was still doing his job, no matter how grudgingly.
It won't last long anyways, his mind said.

Hairtail was going to die anyways.
He was in police custody.

'Do you know why he chose the name hairtail?'
He said getting up and walking towards the window.

'His mother sold hairtail to feed him, no matter how cruel a person is, he still finds tenderness in his heart for his mother'
The smirk on his face was replaced by something melancholy as he continued.

'Though I wouldn't know, I grew up without those affections'

'What are you getting at?'
Said the puzzled yet striken voice of Madam Kim.

'He would need to die, there is no way for him to survive, only if he choses himself over his mother, which he won't.'
His face has gone concrete hard.

Seeing her stagger back with shock and emotions, he grinned wickedly.

'Why? Do you forget I was raised and trained by Pavel?'

She shook her head vigorously masking her fear.

'He needs to be reminded of his mother, I will spare his mother but Pavel would kill both'

After a slight pause he added.

'Pavel knows very well to use the most vulnerable and intimate weakness of yours,
Once they find it, death becomes a mercy'

'What about you Ceo Ryu? Would you eat poison to secure someone?'
Madam kim said, slowly approaching him with a knowing glint in her eyes.
Her mind was ablaze with the picture of that small, annoying girl Tsetseg, making her furious and jealous.

What had she done to him? The man standing infront of him had a freezing boulder for heart but now he seemed more tame and thoughtful.

How many times she had tried to garner his attention, to get close to him, to atleast make him notice herself?
He had remained stoic and uninterested, all formal and distant.

He looked at her approaching figure with silence but her question had moved his mind in a frenzy of chaos.
Would he? When all he had wanted was to survive?
But for what, if survival was without any affection? A person to trust?
His answer was clear as a crystal.

'Would you?'
She prodded, with her eyes shining with envy and fear.

'I have a meeting, leave my office'

'Don't give me that look, I have seen with my own eyes how your gaze softens when you look at her, filled with longing, what has she done t-'
Her words were cut short by his sudden movement.

She stumbled back as he moved close to her with a menacing face, filled with venom and a challenge.

'Dont cross the line, leave my office right now, or you won't ever'
The poision in his slow, menacing voice sent her body in a panick mode, scaring her senseless.

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