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Finally embracing my mother in the car completed my world. It was as if I've found the most precious treasure in the universe. We had last embraced when I was 6.

The workings of this world and fate are strange, we laughed and cried together.
She asked me all about my childhood and I couldn't believe how gorgeous and stunning she was, like the godess of warmth wealth and smiles.

She had even called dad a bastard and immediately went to cover my ears.
'But mom I've already heard it besides I know how to curse, watch me', I laughed.
'Fuck off asshole' I had cursed while she panicked flailing her arms 'don't say that! Don't say it ! ' she said hurriedly. We couldn't help but laugh together.

I was glad to know that she had been doing well, quite well actually.
Only sad part was she and dad were not together anymore. They had divorced many years ago. I couldn't wait to meet the rest of my family.

On the way home we traded a thousand stories.She was eager to know about my mongolian upbringing, parents, education and even love life.

I could understand her thirst to collect every facet of my childhood through my tales that she had missed, her eyes kept twinkling with tears and contentment all the while waiting patiently to hear my long memories of childhood.

Her rich flaming red hair captivated me everytime I looked at her. I didn't want to look away even for a second, fearing missing something important. We had already lost a lot of time to seperation.

Her knid eyes and flamboyant clothes were such a contrast but lovely nonetheless.
She bad made all arrangements in advance and even informed the housekeeping staff about my arrival.

I felt like a long lost princess finally being found and welcomed back by the kingdom graciously.


The sight of what I saw was not nearly accurate to be called a 'house', it was rather a huge modern palace.

The moment I entered, I was engulfed in a strong yet gentle embrace. My grandmother.
'Oh my child, you are finally back, god has answered all my prayers', she cried looking up thanking the heavens above.

The rest of the day was a blur of memories, emotions, tears, laughter and funny jibes. My heart was ecstasy tonight.


I was back at the airport, my eyes refused to leave those dark yet dangerously soft eyes as they moved up and down my body, questioning yet they held a challenge, an invitation, testing my self control.

He moved closer, the dark clouds of haze thinned around him as face came into my sharp focus.

I couldn't help but look down at his lips, following the movement of my eyes he smirked tilting his head to the side Mischievously approaching even closer, dangerously closer.

I woke up with a start, my heart pounding and my head a puddle of confusion. It was 11 pm.
'Are you alright my daughter? What happened? Are you hurt? Should we go to the hospital? Mom asked examining me Worriedly.

'Calm down mother, I just had a dream', I said and she calmed a bit.
'Let me take away all your problems my love, I'll manage everything now, you just enjoy alright? '
She chided.
'Alright mother', I murmured as she embraced me in her arms.

Mother was elated to know I had my strength intact, indiacting my honest life.
'Never use your powers for wrong cause, or they'll be taken away as punishment.' She recited as if from an invisible book replaying in her glossing eyes set far away, but when she looked at me with a soft smile, they were shing with trust.

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