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‘You what?!’ Hwang Geum joo exclaimed with shock.

‘What do you mean you are exhausted and can't come home right now?’
There lingered a frantic edge to her voice, something sinister as if whatever her daughter was about to convey next would be the reason behind her mind coming undone.

‘Is he with you?’
She asked with a slightest tremor in her heart, knowing very well what would be her answer.

‘Yes mother, he is. I have already told you, I love him and you have to accept this’
Tsetseg whispered with determination, trying to keep her voice low.
She desired nothing more at the moment to let the man sprawled on her bed, partially covered with soft sheets, rest and dream peacefully.

‘So you are tired and with him and it is 3 in the morning’
Tsetseg sighed as she picked up on defeat in her voice. This made her disappointed too.

They had fought over this multiple times already. Tsetseg had no idea how long it would take for her mother to accept him and her relationship but she understood her ordeal from the perspective of a parent and in return her mother had agreed to do the same the last time they had talked.

‘We talked about this mother’

‘Right, but I don’t want you to get too ahead of yourself’

Tsetseg nodded unconsciously, knowing exactly what her mother meant.

As her lingering eyes came to rest from the large window to the motionless and soundly sleeping figure of Ryu Si O, she couldn’t help but feel a turbulent surge of thousand emotions.
They ranged from love to adoration to wanting to surrender, all spreading like a blanket of warmth, engulfing her in a strange and new spectrum that she hadn’t felt before.

Their newly shared intimacy had brought her closest to his heart and in the process made her love him even more.
To Tsetseg, this newfound trust felt like foundational seeds, for a lush garden of their flourishing future together. A bouquet of memories that they will make and cherish together.

She smiled longingly at the thought.

Her gaze swept over his arms, his hands and the long lean fingers, his chest as it lightly moved up and down in a rhythm of peace, his beautiful face and his lips that stuck out in an adorable pout.
A warm blush crept up her neck as she recalled the events that had happened just a few hours ago.

Clearing her throat, she snatched her eyes away and with sudden nervousness spoke, ‘Don’t be this worried mother, everything will be fine’

She felt this sudden need to utter these words and console her. Deep down, she wanted to be consoled about everything. She wanted a promise of their new life, a conviction in fact.
She wanted happiness to be settled in his heart and her own as well.

Things had become grim and unpredictable, leaving their future with a gaunt question mark.
Even though she and her mother possessed strength, it was not enough. They were up against an entire network of evil, with no sense of reason or humanity.

‘I know, I won’t let anything bad happen’

‘Yes and is there even anything you can’t do?!’
She asked with mirth.

Hwang geum joo never had the ability to sulk for too long and her daughter’s playfulness brought back her own usual nonchalant and confident self, who couldn’t survive without humor.

She uttered with a smile, regaining her spirits.

Another thing she had noticed in her daughter was how lively she sounded.
‘Are you that happy?’
She asked eagerly with a sigh.

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