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'After you'
Ryu Si-O said, stepping aside and gesturing for her to enter the appartment first.

His heart kept thundering as he followed her in and locked the door.
She had chosen him.

Today's events surrounding her mother were definately tiring and provoking but now when they passed through his head it felt like a mere inconvenience rising, owing to some temporary unfavorable circumstances and nothing major.

After all Tsetseg was there.
Her words had been a confirmation, a soothing balm on all his burns, he had sustained over the shattering years.

Nothing mattered now, when they both had confessed their love for each other.
Nothing would go wrong now, he thought with a smile as they both settled on the sofa.

'Are you hungry?'
Tsetseg asked feeling nervous all of a sudden and the sight of his magnificent smiling face up at her was not helping either.

'No, you?'
To her his gaze felt different tonight, sweet yet starved almost.

She whispered, looking him straight in the eyes.
There was no room for shyness between them anymore, it would be stupid she thought.

'What are you thinking Tsetseg?'
His soft voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

'I want us to talk, to communicate without bounds to bare infront of each other our souls. I want no secrets between us Shio'
Something in her quivering voice made his heart vulnerable but he understood completely her words. He himself desired the same thing.

'I promise all that'
He said with conviction and moved to the seat right beside her.
Even small distance felt too much.

His words came as huge consolation to her aching heart.
Their relationship had suffered due to lack of those things and it felt as if time was running out.
The circumstances surrounding them were already filled with obstacles and threats. What if they ran out of time?

She wanted to grow old with him, to see his face everyday, to make sure he embraced the sun and felt it's warmth, saying farewell to his dark past for ever.

She was more scared than she let on and it was tiring.

'What is it?'
He asked sensing her unnatural quietness.

'Shio I am scared'
Her words mirrored his own feelings, however he smiled for her, pulling her into his arms.

'Its alright, don't worry, everything will be fine'
His hands caressed her back in soothing motion.

'Is it not ironical? Considering I am strong?'
She mumbled against his shoulder.

'Someone wise told me long time ago that  stong people can have fears too and it is alright, after all we are humans'

They stayed like that for a while.

He said after a while.
All of a sudden he wanted to convey to her how lucky he was to have her.
It had stared with a crazy idea of possessing power but turned into something unimaginable for him.

It was funny how destiny worked.
Never could he have imagined in his childhood or later years that he would fall in love and dream of things such as marriage.
He never thought he would crave normal life this much.

To be away from crime and drugs was a dream, he believed he could accomplish only if he died and resurrected, there was no other way.
There was no other path for people like him.

People like him with stamp of darkness.

'You are a gift from God, I don't know how my life would have been without you'
He whispered, looking deep into her eyes, swimming with million emotions and tears.

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