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It was evening and I had finally reached home.
I had decided to go home to make a few things clear to my mother.

Throwing my bag away I crashed on the sofa.
The day had been exhausting in the beginning but had proceed to become rather exciting.

I smiled, covering my face with my hands.

Mother exclaimed, waltzing down the staircase looking excited.

We embraced eachother, it made me feel warm and loved.
It was the best feeling.
Her hand caressed my back with admiration and affection, adding onto my delight.

After a few minutes, we settled on the sofa, she asked me every small detail of how I liked my apartment, my life, my job, if I wanted something, if I fancied someone she had added hee-sik perhaps.

'stop mom!, Hee-sik is more like a friend'
I said irritated, honestly he was nice and all, but lately all my attention was focused elsewhere.

'But you liked him, and even went on a date'
She said pleasing now.

I rolled my eyes at her. Was she serious?
'Mother, I still like him and no it was not a date, just some eating food together'

I remembered that day. It surely was exciting and I surely had felt something for him, but now when I looked back at it, it just felt naive almost rushed.
Hee-sik no doubt is nice, but not for me.

'what if he proposes Namsoon? He's a nice man and you know you should hurry up and make a union and continue our legacy'
She was serious now.

I thought for a while.

Was I ready for a responsibility like that? Definitely not. Marriage and children, even the thought of it made me nauseous.

'For the love of God mom, definitely no, I am not ready besides, hee-sik will never do that, I am his friend'
I huffed.

Shio's face wafted in my mind unconsciously.
What would it be like to be with him? To be intimate, to stand nose to nose, to touch him, to run my fingers across his gloriously sculpted lips?

Some warm and delicious sensation melted in my skin.
I didn't realise my breathing had changed and mother was waving her hand infront of my face.

Gulping quickly, I looked away, pressing my already crimsoned cheeks.

'what were you thinking? Namsoon are you blushing?'
She said teasing me.

She won't be like that if she knew the reason.
I sighed at this.

'Mom, I came here to talk about Ryu Shi-oh'
I said finally addressing the elephant in the room.

Her demeanor changed, she suddenly sneered, looking as if someone had hurled an insult at her.

'what did he say?'

For some reason I didn't want to disclose anything just then, it didn't felt the right time.

'Just don't provoke him, he's not a monster,
It would be better to stay away from his business'

'why are you taking his side? He is not a good person Namsoon, I need to stop him'

'Mom would you hold that against him? He was raised by Pavel, how did you feel when you lost me? He lost his parents and was forced to live in that environment, he didn't choose it'

She looked a bit touched.

'Namsoon, I understand but what he's doing is not right either'

She was right, I'd need to find out what exactly he did and what his motivations were and take him on the right path.
Today's events had proved his potential to feel and listen to reason.
He was not a lost cause, I'll make sure of that.

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